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About Pinkkifantti

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Pinkkifantti

    Why is there no punching in the game?

    fisting *mind does the tricks* BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!! :D *throws beans at the screen*
  2. Pinkkifantti

    Everybody is a enemy

    :bandit:*sets his firerate to full*
  3. Pinkkifantti

    People are horrible.

    25 here and i still would not trust people irl apocalypse, only to the oldest friends. My motto is "in jungle, only the strongest and coldest hearts survives". If you ever have opportunity to see my nametag in this game, RUN FOREST RUN! I'm not alone, wolfs moves in pack. If my friend would be bitten, he should know that it is his time to go. Same would occur to me. I would fill my backpack with sacthel charges and run in middle of horde.
  4. Pinkkifantti

    Sniper & Assault duo

    We hunt everybody, but mainly we love to do diversions to the fully geared people and get them shot pants down :D Damn there is alot of alt f4 fuckers!
  5. Pinkkifantti

    Sniper & Assault duo

    If you come to give it to me in open field :P
  6. Pinkkifantti

    Sniper & Assault duo

    We take down snipers, one by one ;)
  7. Pinkkifantti

    Pdw sucks assss

    PDW all the way<3
  8. Pinkkifantti

    Shoulder to cry...

    Yap, they call me finnish bastard ;)
  9. Pinkkifantti

    who couldent dayz controls work on console

    Hmm, console faggotry. Go push your buttons in other games, keyboard and mouse is all what we need. This subject is irrelevant.
  10. Pinkkifantti

    Shoulder to cry...

    Wow, you guys gave me couple of days more to wiggle my ass in the bushes of chernarus :D First page is full of whining again, i didn't see this much crying even when i worked couple of months in kindergarden lmao
  11. Pinkkifantti

    The New Bandit Skin Is Garbage

    I hate those wannabe gangster/ stalker copycat styles. This shemagh with dirty army clothing would be best fucking thing ever!!!!
  12. Pinkkifantti

    Shoulder to cry...

    So much crying, MEN GET THE SANDBAGS READY! Kiddies are making our floor to flood with their tears :lol: You bought the arma 2, because of the day z and now you whine that rocket should do this and that and this and that and this and etc... Hmm, this is mod. He really shouldn't do anything for you guys, if he really would not want to. I would understand this shit, if this would be already standalone. This is still a mod of arma 2, you never spend any fucking pennies to this. (server owners, it's your personal decision to buy it) DAY Z is on the alpha stage, if you came here to cry, you surely didn't read what alpha means before entering in. I salute you guys who sees the forest from the trees and keep on the good work. Kiddos, get the fuck out from this game. If i ever hear high pitched voice ingame, i shoot you in your hairless balls. :thumbsup: B)
  13. Pinkkifantti

    Going To The Toilet?

    "You ate old beans, diarrhea occured" *You hear loud sound from stomach* bandits nearby would fucking laugh their asses off, when you would see people running around pants full of shit lol
  14. Pinkkifantti

    Looting Cherno: Risk vs Reward

    Didn't see that video with my mobile phone, when i replied :) Maybe that dude was just looting and suddenly heard some footsteps and panicked, nice vid tho :) we did it on moonlight lol, it was like the situation "kill or be killed", because we wasn't sure about the players. Had to make it sure that my friend will be able to loot the upstairs, while i have guard on with my m4a1 cco sd. If i lose this gun to hackers, i might take a little break. Have been able to survive week without shit hitting the fan.
  15. Pinkkifantti

    Looting Cherno: Risk vs Reward

    hmm when did this happen? We executed 5 looters in row 2 days ago in/near cherno apts :