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About bishop99999999

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    On the Coast
  1. bishop99999999

    Cannot connect to servers

    Alright, after reading the umpteenth article talking about how awesome this mod is, I'm about ready to lose it. I can't connect to servers. I'm running the Steam version of Arma II: CO, I update the Day Z files every time I try to get this thing to work, I've tried using the Arma II launcher, and I just can't connect to any servers. I don't get any missing file messages, I just make it to the team selection screen (I guess) and then it just stops working. Sometimes it's downloading the files, and the progress bar gets to about 90-95% before it just stops and I get booted out to the lobby screen, other times it just doesn't do anything and sends me back to the lobby after a few minutes. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Do I need to post any other info? Thanks.