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About (_BlaZe_)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. (_BlaZe_)

    "Oh, it's night. Guess I'd better leave"

    Yeah, I do that. I'm a pussy like that. It's mostly because it's then that I realise exactly how long I've been playing the game already.
  2. Since I run around the southern cities most of the time, I usually KoS Ghilie-Suit people. If you have a Hero Skin, it would be logical to take off the Ghilie when going into a city, since it not only paints a giant target on you, but also causes mistrust. So most of the time, the people who do wear Ghilies in the southern cities are bandits/idiots.
  3. (_BlaZe_)

    Should they disable spawning in kamenka?

    You should respect other people's playstyles. I myself enjoy helping people and the risk of the southern cities, so I usually do suicide when I get to Kamenka. I simply don't have the time to run around all of Chernarus to get the best gear, so I make due with civilian quality gear I find in the cities. I like to play 2 hour rounds of running around the southern cities helping new players which results in me getting shot in the end more than spending days on gathering loot for a character that I don't know what to do with in the end. I'm not in favor of removing the Kamenka spawn tho, because other people might like it.
  4. That you come here just to be an asshole tells me a lot about you.
  5. (_BlaZe_)

    Your Final Words Before Death

  6. I've got another story now, actually. After that last death I decided to play another round 20 minutes ago. I go to the firestation in Cherno and to my surprise find two friendly people. After a while of them battling snipers I find a tent with all the weapons of Arma2 in it. They even had a golden fucking revolver. lol. I pick a weapon out of the tent ( I didn't intend to keep it, I just wanted to see the golden Revolver) and surely enough minutes later hell breaks loose on the fire station. I get shot and go unconscious. The two friendlies die and I bleed to death. It was by far the most crazy situation I've ever been in in DayZ.
  7. This Thread has become an epic example of Internet Flamewars.
  8. (_BlaZe_)

    Need morphine in Pogorevka church.

    This is why I never visit the countryside without getting medical supplies first.
  9. (_BlaZe_)

    Teleported to an empty island

    That's actually a really good idea. I hadn't thought of that lol, I'll use this to get myself out of binds from now on, thanks.
  10. Everyone happy. Now let's see if we can't get people to post their own Stories in here. I'm really looking forward to reading them.
  11. I find these Stories quite entertaining. I've played this game long enough to know that I can get that gear back in less than an hour. The whining is unecessary and this thread was actually just meant as a way for people to vent frustration so they do it here rather than someplace else. I get where you're coming from and you seem to have vented your frustration so Mission Accomplished I guess. That said I guess we can stop discussing this and make way for some people to actually post their stories, assuming they want to.
  12. (_BlaZe_)

    Teleported to an empty island

    Well that sucks. I've never been teleported by a hacker before, only insta-killed. I have been spawned way out in the ocean tho, so I guess I know where you're coming from.
  13. If you explore everything posted then you obviously have so much time that I can't waste any of that. You also seem to be QQing about QQ threads on a QQ thread which I find amusing. I don't know how having more hacker-whining threads instead of focusing all of them in this one thread would help the mod prosper, care to explain? I misunderstood that last part and thought it implied that I am anti-brony. Sorry about that. Anyway, thanks for keeping the thread alive and giving me something to do on a rainy saturday afternoon.
  14. (_BlaZe_)

    Teleported to an empty island

    So the Island is on the map?
  15. (_BlaZe_)

    Teleported to an empty island

    Good. I don't know any tho, so sorry. I don't even know how a guy with a helicopter would get to you if you don't know exactly where you are. Can you even see the land?