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About PappaFae

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  1. PappaFae

    Fastest way lose -humanity?

    It's going to take a whole LOT of "blood jobs" to make people like you again....just sayin. <_<
  2. PappaFae

    Mission Resets.

    Sounds like it's time to move on to a new host. While not perfect, the server host I use actually suggested we let them change our instance ID when a hacker completely screwed up the server. I said yes and it was done within 10 minutes. So I'm thinking the DayZ dev's are the truthful ones here y'all. =b
  3. Lot's of good stuff in this video. Not only the rout, but some good zombie ditching as well. Good job man. ;)
  4. PappaFae

    Kick/Ban Reporting...

    LOL that's more than I do. If they come crying on the forums I just ignore them as they aren't worth my time. B) I have noticed that cheaters can be very creative liars though. :rolleyes:
  5. PappaFae

    Server Ban for AS50 TWS: Debate

    Just goes to show...there's no debating with supidity. You can't counter my argument so you resort to hate. It's like you have the self esteem of a 13 year old fat girl. Anyway...I've spoken my piece and I'm going to continue protecting my players how I see fit. You have fun kiddo. PappaFae loves you!!
  6. PappaFae

    Server Ban for AS50 TWS: Debate

    And I'm not...I'm banning for the behavior that possessing it brings to my server. The ability to see someone's thermal signature at over 1500 meters and one shot them is disruptive. Even if the cheater shoots only one person, that's one person's game that was influanced in a disruptive and unfair manner. Here's an example. Last night, some players on my server were flying around in a newly repaired helocopter. I see someone logging in so I check the logs and see that he has a stinger surface to air missile. This is obviously a hacked in weapon. Do I know he hacked it in...no. But I do know if he stays on my server, it will give him an unfair advantage over others and be very disruptive to the people flying around in that chopper. So I instantly ban him with my trusty RCon tool. (this happened twice last night by the way hehe). My job as a server admin is to make sure the people who choose to spend thier time on my server have an enjoyable experience so they continue to support this excellent game. Not to sit there with my thumb up my ass while someone disrupts everyone's fun. I also ban people I see running scripts in the logs even if I don't have video proof. Why? Because I know they are cheating and disrupting my server. And that's all that counts. If you want to let people cheat on your server that's totally your choice. I have no problem with that. Hell, it gives the over 8000 people on my ban list somewhere to play. hahaha
  7. PappaFae

    Server Ban for AS50 TWS: Debate

    We, as server admins, ARE aloud to ban people for "disruptive behavior". The dev's are very vague on what disruptive behavior is. So for MY server i've decided that having a hacked in weapon is an unfair advantage and hence disruptive. And don't give me YOUR BS interpretation of what disruptive is as it is your opinion and you don't matter (this is the royal you by the way not someone specific). As I'm shelling out the $40/month to run the server, MY opinion does count (on my server). Soooo....people on my server that have been banned with a hacked in weapon were not banned because of the weapon itself, but because that weapon is a disruptive influance. Have a nice day y'all!!
  8. PappaFae

    Server Ban for AS50 TWS: Debate

    HAHAHAHAHA I love how you scewed the wording of the poll to what you believe and it's still voting against you. My server's MOTD says we will ban you for cheating and we will ban you if we think you might be cheating. I decide what is destuptive to my server and having a AS50 with a thermal scope is very disruptive IMO. I've been doing it this way for a couple months now and guess what....the server is running great and isn't black listed. Just added over 1500 GUID's to my ban list provided by other servers last night and I'll keep doing so until the stand alone comes out. The only thing black listing the server would do is provide one less server for legit players to hang out on and give me an extra $40 / month to play around with.
  9. PappaFae


    If it's like my server, vehicles are not saving. So it's probably back in it's starting spawn point.
  10. PappaFae

    Is HFB unavailable to you too?

    Ok...Kiotie...PMed ya. I'd really like to pay you guys...you know?!?
  11. PappaFae

    Is HFB unavailable to you too?

    Alas, they decided to do this crazyness on the day they were supposed to bill my paypal site. So I get an email saying my server is shut down due to non payment and I can't even get ahold of their customer service to fix it. Pure genius....
  12. PappaFae

    Admins can´t read ?

    We can read just fine. We just don't give a shit. B)
  13. PappaFae

    AS50 TWS Save to hive?

    Um...no I didn't...I spelled TOOL not fool. =b
  14. PappaFae

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    Be that as it may. I'll still ban anyone I find with a hacked in weapon from my server. I don't really care what anyone else thinks about it...the regulars on my server don't mind. And don't give me the BS that most people don't know what weapons are legal or not...ignorance is no excuse for the law. Everyone who play's this game has access to the internet.