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LZBZ Thrazon

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About LZBZ Thrazon

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. LZBZ Thrazon

    I need Help people!

    I'll check into it I got on BF3 and it runs perfectly on High Detail so it is not that. I just honestly don't know why i'm getting so much lag In Single player I pull 60 Fps on High detail so I have honestly no clue what is up Single player in ARMA2 I mean Ok The horrible lag is gone but i'm still only pulling 10 FPS while in Dayz Anyone got any ideas why i'm only pullin 10-15 FPS in game?
  2. LZBZ Thrazon

    I need Help people!

    Yes, it is only this game and when i'm at the main menu I have activity and it works perfect
  3. LZBZ Thrazon

    I need Help people!

    I've tried posting in the Troubleshooting area but to no response. Please I need some help. It used to be that I would have a small bit of lag all the time when playing even though I shouldn't be My Comp has a Quad core 8 gig ram and a Radeon 6850. But now the problem is worse. I log on the game and load in and have HORRIBLE lag and it does not quell down. I checked my AMD Control Center and My Graphics card isn't even trying to run the game at all it just sits at 0% activity. Anyone got any ideas? Anyone?
  4. My Computer Stats are as followed: AMD Phenom II 3.4ghz quad core 8 Gigs ram and a ATI 6850 1gig DD5 I can't launch ARMA Combined ops threw steam even though I have done the -mod@dayz and all that so I use a Stand alone Arma 2 Launcher that asks me how many cores and how much ram to use. I tell it 4 cores and 2 gig ram but in game I still have lag all the time. The only time it stops is if i'm alone and almost standing still. Anyone got any ideas? Also my Ping is only 10-30 on server so it is not my connection