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Everything posted by BigCountry

  1. BigCountry

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    Hey look on the bright side. We paid 30 dolllars to wear some sunglasses, a motorcycle helmet, and swing a fire extinguisher at a zombie that would not move...lol :D
  2. Definitely slower run speed. The fact you can hump an elephant gun just as fast as somemone running with an AK is crazy lol These guns weigh a LOT.
  3. Stay out of the open areas in crowded places. That's the counter. :D Get behind walls etc.
  4. BigCountry

    "fixed graphical glitches" MY ASS

    Drink lots of beer. It will get better. Turn your camera down towards the ground or all the way up into the air. And deal with it. Until its fixed. Sucks.
  5. BigCountry

    Post Your Playstyle And Current Setup

    Sniper and SD guns are king. That's what HeadHunters like. :D www.wefarmpeople.com
  6. BigCountry

    Things that SHOULD be in Dayz by tomorrow...

    +1 I Support This Thread.
  7. BigCountry


    You sure it was not military zombies?
  8. BigCountry

    DayZ Xpadder

    I play the same way. stick for movement and mouse for aim/shoot :D
  9. BigCountry

    DayZ Xpadder

    The game already supports the 360 controller pretty good natively. What functions does the xpadder file add?
  10. BigCountry

    Why we're losing players.

    GW2 releases in a few weeks. Your gonna lose a lot then as well. Least the Daily numbers will shift.
  11. BigCountry

    Hackers are back!

    lol /this
  12. BigCountry

    AS50 TWS

    fix the tents from respawning items and you fix this gun being an issue.
  13. What others have said, there are 2 things you can try. 1.) hit escape, go into Options, VIdeo, and under Advanced Video, toggle Video Memory to Very High (see if that fixes it), if not turn it back to Default (see if that fixes it). 2.) hit left shift key, then "-" key, then type "flush" (you will not be able to see what your typing but this flushes the video memory.
  14. BigCountry

    How bad is the hacking situation?

    I died on login once. And that was becuase my stupid ass logged out in cherno church....
  15. BigCountry

    DayZ - Beyond a joke.

    /this You can also hit escape, go into your Advanced Video settings and toggle VIdeo Memory to Very High, then back to Default. This is what usually works for me.
  16. BigCountry


    That's how you place a tent. Always moving, always right clicking, until it goes down. :D
  17. Ammo glitch is not fixed. You active gun clip will always refresh. They fixed the clips in your bag but not the active clip.
  18. BigCountry

    Gun box in the church

    Pick the guns up and use them. Take them way out in the woods and hide them. Better you than some hacker. Also save the weapon box after u take the guns so they wil not respawn (this really needs to get fixed, or else the guns keep spawning lol)
  19. BigCountry

    Retention Dropping

    It will more than likely be like this....lol
  20. We found one in a tent way north in the woods. And since tents do not save.... :D Great gun for scouting/recon.
  21. BigCountry

    Why are the AS50 and M107 in the game?

    cherno fire station /end thread
  22. I logged into a server last night with 50/50 slots. All taken. Thought to myself, sweet, a good healthy server! 30 mintutes, all of the sudden everyone died on the server. Everyone. Dunno who or what was hacked into the server, but hands down the most powerful thing I have ever seen anyone do in DayZ. Luckily an admin was on and pull the plug right after so the deaths were not saved on the master server. But still....I sorta see where the OP Is coming from. Eventually people just get sick of dealing with it and check out to play something else.
  23. BigCountry

    Green Mountain

    That's pretty much all I see when I go there lol
  24. BigCountry

    Chopper hunting turns into firefight

    Great vid. :D