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Everything posted by BigCountry

  1. the scope is fixed at "4". which means it's manufactured/fixed at 4 zoom. You can view objects 4 times closer than when seen with your unaided eye. An adjustable scope will measure in 4-8 for example. The lens closest to your eye normally can be rotated to select which zoom (numbers 4-8) you want to see through. the last number 4-8-40 for example, is the diameter (in mm) of the front lense. The larger it is, the more light enters and better field of view. A good sniper scope for example is 10-40-56 (can zoom 10x-40x with a 56mm diameter front lense). A front lense this size is very sexy, like watching an HD TV :D
  2. BigCountry

    Server Hop Solution: Lock to server

    Just need a timer addded. 15 minutes or something. Keep it simple. 15 minutes not being able to play for a power gamer = a lifetime lol
  3. BigCountry

    Survival or Deathmatch?

    If your getting KOS alot: 1.) spawn 2.) find some food 3.) find a fire axe 4.) start running north the longer you dick around in electro/cherno ungeared the faster your gong to get KOS. It's the nature of DayZ... it's only going to get worse since shooters cannot loot - it becomes a larger grieving/deathmatch game then :( use this map to hit the water sources running north in al the towns etc http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus#5.067.123 once you get north you can somewhat relax
  4. I like the new GUI I like the items that add more storage (ammo boxes, med kits etc) I like the customizing of your characters appearance I like customizing the guns (I love this actually) I like the ability to enter more buildings (give a reason to hit all the small towns that previous you would just pass thru) I like the mechanic that getting sick sucks. You have to be very careful what you eat/drink etc I like the fact that water sources are important again I don't like the AI. The AI is HORRIBLE. You would think in a 21st century video game, one would know how to correctly create/code/line of sight AI... I don't like the fact you cannot loot who you kill. Once you die and restart, your body goes away. I hope this is only temporary
  5. BigCountry

    Loot distribution is all wrong

    a year?!? I most certainly hope not LOL
  6. Yeah this game is no different outside Dayz Mod. I mean the GUI, char avatar, inventory (icons), clothing. but all the core mechanics didn change. It makes you wonder what all was really rewritten? lol the AI most certainly was not..
  7. BigCountry

    How to change a KOS'er mentality?

    Also, dean, spawn us in random places. include the north e and north w cities (Vybor etc etc). NOTHING promotes KOS sniping like the current spawn mechanics we now have..lol wow I thought we went over this stuff years ago..:D
  8. BigCountry

    Looking for a Good Vanilla DayZ Server

    solid vanilla server destroys SA atm. just my .02 I am sure SA will get better. I hope. it's only 30 bucks, which is not a lot of money. But don't expect much atm esp the AI hehe. Remember the EARLY AI in DayZ mod? it's worse than that. :(
  9. BigCountry

    Looking for a Good Vanilla DayZ Server

    its the easiest thing to do. not necessarily the best, depending on how long you have been around DayZ...
  10. BigCountry

    Loot distribution is all wrong

    u didn get the memmo? apparenty a large group of nudiest colonies have taken over the zombie appoc. they have left nothing but their clothes throughout the world and horded/took all the water. hah :D
  11. BigCountry

    How to change a KOS'er mentality?

    until this pos AI resembles something of the 21st century there is not much u can do. sucks but it is what it is.
  12. BigCountry

    Dean - Sort it out man. Losing your way

    dean there is seriously no way this AI was rewritten. lol i hope whoever reviews this game has some mercy (once you charge that rl $, magazines/websites etc can review). you picked your poison there. :(
  13. BigCountry

    Dean - Sort it out man. Losing your way

    the AI is down right awful. It's on par with that POS WarZ.... Zombies run the walls, doors, floors, you log out in the middle of nowhere for the night, log back in the next day and a zombie insta spawns and eats you before you can even spawn your character into the game lol. I can live with everything else, but man the AI is really bad...it's pretty obvious why its so turned down on the server. lol
  14. BigCountry

    What are your BIGGEST issues in the game?

    Server hopping. You can hit up a military barrack, loot, log out and jump to another server, loot, server hop again and repeat. There needs to be some sort of timer on server hopping. It's a pretty lame exploit....totally ruins the game (and what it was origionally designed for).
  15. BigCountry

    Roaming Zombie Hordes

    I love any idea/strife that would bring players together in a game to fight a common cause. That's what sandbox represents.
  16. BigCountry

    Roaming Zombie Hordes

    Bump. great idea and should not be hard to pull off, since spawn is now server side.
  17. Wipe all you need to rocket. Do whatever you guys need to do to keep the game hack free as possible. That's what all of us want. No hackers. :D
  18. My clan really enjoyed Epoch. We spent a good 2 months teraforming some of the craziest player bases known to man...lol
  19. BigCountry

    Gettin' Yo Blood Back Yo!

    I are like 4 oranges in 5 minutes and was still "very hungry" lol
  20. BigCountry

    Hearing people talk?

    X2. It causes client crashes also. So annoying...quite a few dumb asses play with their mics wide open....nothing more annoying that hearing you breath all night. Or 12 mexicans in the background speaking spanish lol
  21. Dude there is no way in hell this game released will sell for 60 dollars. Let all be honest here. It will still sell for 30 bucks (as originally intended). The whole discount thing was smoke and mirrors. You pay 30 today, you get the alpha and release. You wait until release, you still pay 30. Just my .02
  22. BigCountry

    The best thing about SA

    I can load the game and find/join a server all under 60 seconds lol
  23. BigCountry

    The main thing that sucks right now: The FPS

    Turn HDR to Very Low under VIdeo. Notcied the best FPS jump after doing that.
  24. BigCountry

    Character control is awful just like arma 2 movement

    Turn the HDR setting to Very Low under video.
  25. BigCountry

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    If "corporate" needed money, just ask us to donate. I do not mind donating at all. But forcing a charge for something that is clearly not ready, hell Starship Citizen has raised 30+ million with no game LOL. In the end I guess I am ok with how it went down, its only 30 bucks. But it definitely loses trust... :(