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Everything posted by DR@GON (DayZ)

  1. DR@GON (DayZ)

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    this game is frankly way more interesting and engaging when you're brand new, if everyone goes back to "zero" things will be way more interesting than they are now. I laugh at all of you crying at the thought of loosing your gear. If the gear is what makes you lethal then I pity you. My experience, knowledge & friends are what make me lethal... the rest are just tools to help get the job done.
  2. thanks, good to see my suspicions of how this works backed up with some proof.
  3. First, if this has been suggested before, I apologize, I'm not trying to rip anyone off. There are so many idea threads now it's hard to keep track or search without taking up an hour or more. So I read some other posts about skills, and things rocket has said about where he'd like to see the game go in interviews and had an idea that might not be too hard to implement. 1 - What if there were less tool belt slots per character? I haven't worked out a suggestion for how many less yet, but just think about it for a minute. If there are less tool belt slots, but the same, or MORE things that go in them, then 1 person cannot "do it all", which would theoretically promote teamwork, yet not take anything away from people who want to be bandits. They could stash tools somewhere and switch out as needed. 2 - Skill books. Rather than picking a skill when you make your character, or progressing some skill tree, you have to find items that go in the tool belt that give you access to advanced skills. Medical books, repair manuals, engineering blueprints, flight manual and so on. I'm not suggesting we make everything in the game require a book, but just a set of "advanced skills". 3 - Your character could then progress to a point where he no longer needs the book by performing the task enough times, thus giving you a reason to not be reckless with your character and put a little emphasis on long term survival. Flame on trolls! :P
  4. DR@GON (DayZ)

    Shotguns need some love

    I don't know if things will change back to "pre-nerf" weapon damages or not, but as it is now the shotguns kinda suck. Since they have limited range, low ammo capacity (aside from the winchester), a slow rate of fire, and now, not so great damage, I just don't see the need to ever pick one up. I guess I could say the same thing for the 9mm SMGs, but shotguns and zombies go together like america and apple pie dammit! Anyway, would be really nice to have a reason to use one... like devastating damage at close range... 8-10k? Maybe that's too much, but with all the .50 cals running around, a lot them prob being used like a shotgun (from the hip at close range), I don't think this is a big deal personally. I even saw a buddy have to shoot a zombie twice with his 870 to put it down... I think he was using the pellet ammo tho... still, seems pretty sad.
  5. my wife informed me she was having an especially "heavy flow" day, I told her not to worry cos I had plenty of blood bags, then explained that it would make me a better person for giving her a transfusion
  6. DR@GON (DayZ)

    URGENT - magazine management

    I'm not claiming this to be a new idea, mostly just making a new topic with the "urgent" to get attention to the issue, hoping others who agree will keep this topic bumped to get the Dev's attention The reason I think it's "urgent" is due to the fact that the latest hotfix has "fixed" the ammo tracking (mags no longer refill on login)... which is great, infinite ammo is dumb. However, with tents & vehicles not saving properly, we're limited to our character inventory for storage and when I login to the game, it automatically loads a full mag, resulting in many partially used mags in my inventory. Please add some functionality to let us combine these mags into full mags (with the leftovers in 1 mag). I doubt this would be too hard to add to the game and would really help us manage our available space in our inventories.
  7. DR@GON (DayZ)

    I want Sport bike in game! really fast one!

    T-Rex w/ saddle to be specific, and a bright red mullet
  8. DR@GON (DayZ)

    URGENT - magazine management

    I'd be happy to see some complexity in this department, however, for now I'd be happy with something rudimentary to get us by
  9. I'm trying to imagine "more PvP"... think it's about as full up as it can get :P
  10. So some more specific ideas for the skill books (might spill over to other needed changes) Repair manual - needed to do engine work on vehicles (the other repairs shouldn't require advanced knowledge) Flight manual - needed to fly the helicopter (driving other vehicles is a fairly common skill set in RL) Herbalism guide - allows the collection of wild edibles & wild medicines (alternative to antibiotics) Cook Book - perhaps have a way to combine ingredients into a "meal" that heals lots of blood (800-1000), and lower the amount cooked meat heals you now. Perhaps (1) wild edible + (1) cooked meat + (1) canned food = (1) meal. Would also require a new tool item - "cookware"... and give you more to do at the campfire... also, you should get full so you can't just binge to max out blood. Medical Books - Obvisouly the medical system right now is fairly basic, and anything you can do now shouldn't require special knowledge. That being said, Rocket has mentioned adding complexity to the wound system, so this could work with it. My idea is to have morphine be a temporary solution to broken bones & trauma, with a doctor being required to fully cure you of certain afflictions like a broken bone. Perhaps having a blood transfusion be a temporary solution to surgery is another option. - New tool item - "doctor's bag" - new medical (consumable) item "splint" Engineering blue prints - Everything in the game that you can build right now wouldn't take special knowledge, but if advanced base building comes in, then this could work with that feature in similar ways to the above ideas.
  11. fair enough, but it seems to me that Rocket has mentioned wanting to do something like this, I thought they might be a good way to "keep it raw" and add some complexity and reasons to cooperate with strangers, without taking anything away from people who want to be bandits.
  12. DR@GON (DayZ)

    Steps to become a "Killing Machine"

    every ghillie / camo clothes item I've found has been from apartment buildings or guard shacks... I wouldnt call them common, but I find them a better place to look for one that a chopper crash (from my experience)... I've found many chopper crashes and I'm yet to find NVGs or clothing at them. (not saying they don't spawn them)
  13. DR@GON (DayZ)

    Things that SHOULD be in Dayz by tomorrow...

    dear god people, he's suggesting MORE VARIETY of guns in the game, NOT MORE GUNS AVAILABLE.... read the frickn post before you start saying it's a bad idea.
  14. DR@GON (DayZ)

    Ghillie suit - easy come, easy go.

    sounds like a certain barn needs an air strike called in on it lol!
  15. DR@GON (DayZ)

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    the only way to get there is to jump off the tower on green mountain
  16. DR@GON (DayZ)

    Everybody is a enemy

    dont run we are your friends
  17. I was under the impression that the code for the ARMA 2 version can be easily ported over to the ARMA 3 version, so they're developing both at the same time really.
  18. DR@GON (DayZ)

    Hey guys quick question

    better question... have you thought through all the repercussions of playing dayz w/ your girl?
  19. DR@GON (DayZ)

    Two nights for nothing

    making players cry is part of the game design
  20. DR@GON (DayZ)

    Bear traps hurt you when removed

    +1 on this issue... first time I tried setting a trap, I wanted to move it to a less noticable spot... I picked it up, then moved over the spot and it broke my leg... luckily I had plenty of smack! lol
  21. DR@GON (DayZ)

    Kalashnikovs... Kalashnikovs everywhere

    seen a lot of AKM's and AK-74 variants lately in the military loot spots, more than the others in general
  22. DR@GON (DayZ)

    How manny times have you died? (SIGH)

    lost count / dont care I play the game for fun, I've been killed by things beyond my control or fault, so why get attached to the gear / character? I live a long time generally when I head out in to the woods, but I'm always roaming and exploring... hiding in the woods just to say I survived 3 months sounds like the worst use of my free time I can imagine.
  23. DR@GON (DayZ)

    Lack of shooting skills

    I keep my head on a swivel and usually spot players or small things that my clanmates often miss. I think this developed from playing faster paced games like CoD. If you want to get good at "video game shooting", a game like CoD might be a good option for "training" since you can respawn so quick and it requires quick reflexes. Keep in mind that it's not the same game, and not everything translates, but it's an option. If you launch the game (ARMA2) WITHOUT the mod, there's a "boot camp" where you can practice with the interface & controls. A surround sound head set makes a world of difference for me... can tell the direction of distant sounds and hear players moving near by. Finally, one thing I love to do is "play dumb" and act as if I didn't notice a player, then find a good place for an ambush, assuming he will come for me. If you're in a dangerous area, you can do this once in a while, regardless if you noticed a player or not. Just find a concealed spot and stay quiet for a while. You never know when you picked up a tail in a city, or maybe someone just wanders into your sights. Good luck!
  24. My clan just setup a rented server (managed)... I'm having trouble finding how to offset the time in the game. Could someone point me in the right direction please? Thanks!