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Everything posted by thezoq2

  1. Hi guys, while running around looking for a ghillesuit, I started thinking about this. Basicaly, Most smaller towns contain 1-2 medium or high level residential buildings, the rest are low value. And most low value are small doghouses with 1 loot spot. This means that you could search the easy to find medium value buildings and move on to the next city which means walking for a few KM, what do you think is best, what do you do?
  2. Same as me then, I usualy loot houses, but not doghouses and stuff. Also, im talking about finding rare loot like a ghillie suit
  3. I agree, but as long as the bandits you are refering to isn't the elektro snipers. I am totaly fine with someone killing me when I have full gear and they kill me for the loot. But when someone runs around in elektro killing fresh spawns with an AS50 and don't care about the loot even though it's 5 meters away, are just plain duchebags. (That happned to me once, guy with an AS50 killed me point blank, then when I got back to the same place a few hours later... All my stuff was there)
  4. thezoq2

    Why are cars so rare?

    The save not working for vehicles is pretty good IMO. Because the fact that everyone staches vehicles in the north is pretty lame... I doubt any of them use them anyway. This should allow more players to actually use vehicles. If only for a day...
  5. Great article and pictures. Makes me want to join the company, or attack them :D Also don't call them hackers, they are just people that have looked at a youtube tutorial about how to use a script...
  6. This was realy awesome, I got a M9SD, and when i left I got a M4 CCO as a gift. I will be sure to visit again if I find a thread about it again. Is there any way to find out when the next event is except for finding the thread in the forum?
  7. Sweet, then i'll have time to get there :D
  8. Is the event still open? And if so. For how long
  9. Since I started playing DayZ a few days ago, I have gone on 2 server that have teleported all players to random "arenas". The first one was something the server called "mortal combat". Everyone got teleported into an arena and had to press V when close to someone. Then they died and I think they lost all there items. This time, everyone got TP'd outside the map, without trees. And all vehicles to. Being feared of dieng and loosing all my loot me and my friends imedietly disconnected. One of us saw all the vehicles laying close by. We are guessing that the point was that you where to go take a vehicle and then drive out of there. However the problem is that since we disconnected my 2 friends are stuck 900 grids from the main map. I was lucky enough to have a bit of lag and was returned to the same place I was before. So is there a way to get to the main map without walking 900km? Also the server we where on was SE #500 with "no name MP44] at the end.
  10. Hehe, we havn't been attacked by to many hackers, one of them even went invissible and gave us NV goggles. And yes we mostly stick to a server but today it went offline... Hopefully not forever. Oh and my friends wernt as far from the map as we thought. They are aproaching NW airfield as we speak
  11. Hello, recently me and my friends found a black SUV in a firestation in electro. The problem is that we can't get in it only use the save option. We tried to repair all we could, even the windows. But whatever we do the "get in car" option dosn't apear. Does anyone know what's going on?
  12. thezoq2

    Can't get in car

    Oh ok. Then I guess we should abandon it :D