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Posts posted by Wild_Child666

  1. Just started playing about a week ago and have found that playing DayZ by yourself is not only scary as shit...but kinda boring and impossible.

    I am not the type to kill my team mates just for fun, i actually play realisitcally.

    Looking for some people to join up with me. Killing bandits, securing towns, looting and of course...killing Zombies.

    I try to play as much as i can during the week (6pm-12am MDT - Mountain Daylight Time or Mountain time zone)

    Also, I try to play as much as possible on weekends.

    Let me know if anyone would be interested!!!!

    Skype - boondockjock

  2. I am lonely aswell :/

    I live in Canada, so im not sure how good our time zone differences would work.

    However, we can definitly give it a shot if you would like.

    Im not the type of player who will kill un-armed people, i generally like to reason with people.

    I am a trustworthy fellow who is just looking to have fun while we play.

    I am 20 years old, so i am a lot more mature than a 14 year old who sits at home all day during summer break :P

    I have Skype - boondockjock

  3. I would definitly be interested in playing with you.

    However i do have a time issue aswell.

    I am in Edmonton Alberta, and as far as I know, thats 3 hours behind you.

    I usually try to play quite a bit at night. Weekends i try to play as much as possible.

    So in a sense, i can probably catch you guys on the tail end of your game nights, but i am looking for people who play with this same style.

    As i am quite new to this, can you help me out in obtaining the correct server?

    When i play, i usually just choose a random server that is available.

    Add my skype if you want to play - boondockjock

  4. Hey everyone....feeling really bored in the game.

    I am fairly new to the game. I started playing solo and havent had much luck, due to other people killing me...or zombies being zombies.

    I usually do better with teamwork. I am forsure looking for a group to join.

    Add my skype if you are interested, then send me a message and we will join up and find a server!

    Skype - boondockjock
