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Everything posted by fuzzyponcho

  1. fuzzyponcho

    cheaters on US 2747

    What bandits where in the firehouse? If i recall those "bandits" were people I was trying to help out with guns... I've already answered you via email and since I'm the admin of this server I'm not sure what posting this in the forum is going to accomplish.
  2. fuzzyponcho

    Is HFB unavailable to you too?

    ya looks like they might be changing the site or doing maintenance.
  3. Guy was spawning vehicles and teleporting people. Proof
  4. fuzzyponcho

    Hacker Caught (ban this tool)

    Here is the line from the createvehicle.log 29.08.2012 16:24:08: coryba2 ( 8d81dc72f69dfecb9d3c6399eb8ce951 - #0 "USBasicWeaponsBox" 16:28 [1579,13253,323] 29.08.2012 16:24:08: coryba2 ( 8d81dc72f69dfecb9d3c6399eb8ce951 - #2 "USBasicWeaponsBox" 16:28 [1579,13253,323] Not exactly sure what happened but I was driving then all of a sudden I was teleported along with all the vehicles in the game to a random coast town killing me in the process.. Is this enough proof?
  5. fuzzyponcho

    Hacker Caught (ban this tool)

    Thanks for the input I've posted logs before but someone else mentioned that "anybody can cut/paste any GUI into the logfile" so that's why I screen capped the console. Short of running fraps everytime I play is there a better alternative?
  6. fuzzyponcho

    This game is unplayable

    fix vehicles and tents and I will be happy till stand-alone release.
  7. fuzzyponcho

    Reporting hacker

    Found this guy spawning in a chopper in my server (US 2020) 16.08.2012 15:59:00: Charlie ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 " if (isServer) then { _object = createVehicle ['ATV_CZ_EP1', [4612.5, 2292.26, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE']; _object setVariable ['ObjectID', 7919.4, true]; dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object]; _uid = _object call dayz_obje" 16.08.2012 16:05:26: Charlie ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 " if (isServer) then { _object = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [1402.72, 2392.33, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE']; _object setVariable ['ObjectID', 2200.51, true]; dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object]; _uid = _object call dayz_objec" 16.08.2012 16:07:44: Charlie ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 " if (isServer) then { _object = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [1346.95, 2373.74, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE']; _object setVariable ['ObjectID', 6643.09, true]; dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object]; _uid = _object call dayz_objec" Found this in the remote log file
  8. I rolled back to 2.4 and have had no game breaking features from 2.5 (saving issues/various other bugs).
  9. http://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/source/browse/#git%2Ffilters
  10. I don't mind starting over with a new IP or server name, I would just like to get in on the $25 monthly fee hopefully without putting in a cancel request and re-setup a new account/payment. Let me know if this is possible. Thanks!
  11. I have HFB and also can say so far everything I'm submitted (ticket wise) has been responded to rather quickly.
  12. fuzzyponcho

    vehicles no saving?

    I rolled my server back to 2.4 till they get the Hive working again. I have confirmed everything is saving correctly still in my server. Name: DayZ - US 2020 (v1.7.2.4/Beta 96061) [Veteran 3DP:1 CH:1 ][uTC -8] dayzmod.com - hosted by FuzzyPoncho
  13. fuzzyponcho

    Reporting hacker

    I actually found the chopper and shot him out hovering.. lulz
  14. You have to keep in mind you are posting on the official DayZ forum and although you may(or may not) have a well throughout opinion on the state of the alpha you have to keep in mind that these kind of post (on any forum) will just be met with hostility. This just seems how forums operate these days.
  15. His post was pretty calm and collective, Sounds like you're the one freaking out....
  16. I specifically rolled my server back to to avoid vehicle/tents not saving due to I was able to restart the server fine without losing any gear/vehicles but It seems after the hive went down last night it also effected servers as well now... Anybody else experience vehicle wipes on their 2.4 servers after the hive restart early this morning?
  17. I understand if upgrading to 95417 Beta Patch (or any patch) I would need to stop my server. My question though, does the stopping or patching servers wipe out server based items? (vehicles/tents etc.) Thanks in advance for the response.
  18. fuzzyponcho

    Regarding restarts/stopping servers

    Nobody is disputing or speculating your claim, it sounds like he just didn't know the circumstances of your lost vehicle to a restart and without that prior knowledge theft is a possibility.
  19. fuzzyponcho

    Regarding restarts/stopping servers

    I don't think he was trying to be rude with that original response
  20. fuzzyponcho

    Map rotation idea

    Several people have expressed interest in new maps for the standalone product, IMO I prefer everybody playing the same map at the same time. What if map were played in rotation, So toward the end of the month a in-game poll can be created allowing players to choose the next map in the rotation for that month, this way nobody is stuck playing a map everybody hates.
  21. fuzzyponcho

    Map rotation idea

    Really insightful.... Didn't know Rocket wanted to make islands, that would be a pretty cool concept to keep things fresh. If the maps can be as big as 500km I wondering how spawn and groups are going to work, it takes pretty long on a 200km map to terrain, imagine 500km.