Good evening, It seems I have run against a brick wall. Today I was playing, I was up north at the Airstrip, close to the Southern barracks. I could not find anything useful in the barracks so I decided to see if another server held more luck for me. I switched from LU189 to US 1576 and that is when it happened. I was spawned somewhere completely different than where I logged out. And now the painful part, almost all of my gear was gone. I had all kinds of tools, from map to compass to toolbox to a military flashlight. I had an alice pack with enough medical supplies to survive a nuclear apocalypse and I had weapons. I had an M4A3 CCO and a PDW as a sidearm. Now my question, what in the hell happened? Why are all my tools gone and why do I have ammo but no weapons? Is this somekind of cruel trick? On a more serious note, has this happened to anyone before? Is this something the game does often? Or was it that server? I joined LU189 again because that is where I logged out last, but alas, in the middle of nowhere with no map and ammo that I can only throw. I would appreciate if someone can shed some light on this. Regards with Thanks, XQlusiveD