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  1. Martel

    Ghillie Suit/Infection Bug

    debug ocean happened to me, if you look very far away you can see land, you just have to go to it. Should be north if you have a compass. Then go east untill you get out of debug forest. I managed it being thirsty, dropped 3000 blood getting there before i found a can of pepsi. For the blood dropping 3 by 3, happened also, this stopped when i took antibiotics just to check if it was some sort of bugged infection. You can notice that if you are at 12k blood, you blood will stop dropping at around 9999 blood, which proves that it is some sort of bugged infection without a cough or anything.
  2. Martel

    Backpack Items Missing.

    This is happening alot to me and friends. Even items sometime disappear without logging off, just traveling for 15-20mn across the map, then want to change weapon in backpack, and the weapon has disappeared. Even happend to me today that my main weapon i had in my hand before logging off (DMR) disappeared too when i logged back on...
  3. Martel

    Adrenaline Shot idea

    Epinephrine is the name Americans use for Adrenaline. It is used for cardiac arrest, as it makes muscles contract, and makes the heart beat faster. So if the heart stops, an adrenaline injection (or epi-shot) can make it restart. It usually restarts with an anormal rythm, so if that's the case you defibilate to try and correct the rythm. If your heart is stopped for more than a couple of minutes, brain damage is a high probability, and adrenaline doesnt always work to restart the heart. Adrenaline is also used for allergy attacks (anaphylactic shock). People who have a chance of having an anaphylactic shock can be given an epi-pen and tought how to use it in case. Giving an adrenaline shot to a person in good health can have a chance of have severe secondary effects though. Source: Med-student.
  4. Martel

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    For those who cant install beta (i couldnt figure it out at first having steam), this brilliant post by magnet with the first video. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=408
  5. Martel

    Hacker SH_Kenny UK 101

    The sniper disappeared from my bag at log on... Still have the ammunition. Its stanag munition, it's got 20 bullets per clip instead of 30 but recommeneded for the same weapons as the 30 bullet / clip.
  6. Martel

    Hacker SH_Kenny UK 101

    i modified post, took the sniper and put in backpack, but wont use it untill confirmation or not that its hacked. People say it could be a heli weapon.
  7. With a friend, we were camping stary sobor, when we heard weird noise sniper shots, a noise we had never heard in the game coming from a sniper. Anyway, friend got killed, i ran and scoped northen planes untill he came back. We managed to kill him after a while, and looted him. Screen of my friend looting him: http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/6868/sprmk12dayzshkenny.png The name of presumed hacker: SH_Kenny Anyway, we killed him on UK101 around 11:24 (GMT+1, paris time), he had an SPR MK12 sniper that we had never seen before and not on the wiki with weird stanag munitions never seen. He also had coyote backpack (could have looted it of my friend as he had one before dying), he had M9 SD, GPS, NVGs, epi-pen, .... all the full shit with camo clothing. We looted the M12 SPR, it's in my backpack, but we won't use it untill we have confirmation it's a real weapon that spawns in DayZ. If it's hacked we'll throw it away. We looted the backpack, GPS, NVGs, and M9 SD. Please can a dev tell us if we have to drop them somewhere, as we dont know if they are hacked or not. Thx alot for telling us if he is a hacker, or if he just was lucky with loot drops on heli crashes :)
  8. See someone, shoot them. When they're dead, you can ask if they were friendly if you wish or say sorry... Good guys who ask before shooting dont survive...
  9. there's been a security threat, this thread explain's it: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9123&pid=85347#pid85347 Must be due to that.
  10. Hey guys, It's happened to others so you surely allready know the problem. So here's what happened to me, all time's are GMT+1 (paris time): Disconnected around 14:30, went to bed (i'm on hols so hey i play all night and morning), logged back on around 02:50, i was in the ocean. The text on bottom right said i was in wilderness, so i knew i was outside the map. I swam to shore to make sure, and yeah i got no stuff except the utility stuff (matchs...) and my backpack which is empty. I am also thirsty and hungry, with no civilisation in sight. Is it possible to spawn me my items back with food and drink. if i could have a compass i dont even mind finding my way back if i can have food and water enough. I just want to keep my guillie suit (just found one and been searching for ages and ages ...), and get my weapons back, especially my glock 17 that has followed me throughout so many adventures with this character, i have even named it :(. The main weapon: it was either our DMR or CZ can't remember what i had, think it was CZ. player ID: 12844806 Name ingame: Logan Server i play on: UK101 Here's screenshots i took when i got on land, uploaded on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003111979/screenshots/ Thanks alot
  11. Martel

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    # 2 for me. Nice and simple, and something you could wear easy in public :).
  12. Martel

    Blood type/Group

    Just imagine all the blood bags are O- and forget the other complications that can arise , in emergency surgery its what you use, and hospitals have loads of it in stock. And for blood types just imagine all survivors have the same type as it protects you against the virus. Better yet, a theory that explains everything: imagine the survivors are blood type AB+. Its universal receiver, so doesnt matter what blood bags we have, and its the rarest type, which would explain the small number of survivors (its about 3%of the population if memory serves me right).
  13. Martel

    Red Bull (Energy Drink)

    I like the idea of redbull. For brands i dont really mind, pepsi and coke can just become cola, beans are beans i dont care if they're heinz, and redbull can just be an energy drink. Im sure there will be time in the futur to negociate brands appearing.
  14. Martel

    Suggestion [Blood Donation]

    I like the idea. And for the realism: Just imagine all the blood bags are O- and forget the other complications that can arise :), in emergency surgery its what you use, and hospitals have loads of it in stock. Imagine all survivors are all the same blood type which gives us the immunity to the virus, as it cant attack our red cells. That way we can all give blood to one another. and just add sterile to every name, and imagine that there's a bit of care put into the transfusion, and add a random factor to fall ill sometime after.