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About gemeni

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. As we all know, we use the scroll on our mouse to open up teh action menu, whic hholds the nsesesities of life in DayZ. But after booting up my comp and playing a bit of ARMA2 ACE, I tried DayZ for a bit, and now I cannot scroll and use any actions anymore. Maybe it is in the update that I am still unaware about, but it is unplayable now. Thanks, A Blind Guy
  2. gemeni

    Realistic Temperature Suggestion Thread

    Fuck off with the Fahrenheit. We dont need that inaccurate bullshit. Celcius is where its at. He's right, you know. Celcius is the correct way of measuring temperature around Earth.
  3. gemeni

    Former Miltary: Love this mod!

    Heh, DayZ is a very good mod for getting together (Because it's probably the only way you can survive, but do you also play the base game, ARMA2? You use land navigation and field craft, and is much more similar to the Military than DayZ is.
  4. gemeni

    Understanding Of Vehicles?

    Play the Tutorials of the base game, people.