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About Baddum12

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    NJ, USA
  • Interests
    Homebrewed beer, RPGs (video game and tabletop), MMOs, Hiking, Running
  1. Playing US 3392 this evening, my friends and I were able to fix up a V3S and an S1203, we drove them up north and got a message that server restart was in 6 minutes. We parked them in trees, exited the vehicles and hit 'Save V3S' and 'Save S1203' via our action menus then waited for server down, which was still about 4-5 minutes away. We waited a few minutes after we got our 'no message received' messages and logged back in, the vehicles were gone. Is this a server issue, or did we do something wrong?
  2. Baddum12

    they should make non PVP servers!!

    I'm sure people got sick of falling down holes in Mario. It's part of the game.
  3. Baddum12

    Friendly fire?

    Thanks for the replies. Now that I know what it means, I see that message far too often.
  4. Baddum12

    Friendly fire?

    I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place, I searched and couldn't find an answer. Sometimes when a death message pops up it says that the individual was killed by 'friendly fire'. I know what the term means, but does anyone know the method the game uses to determine what friendly fire is?
  5. All you need is a bike. Seriously, though, I've had this issue on smaller servers as well. I chalk it up to bad luck, wrong place wrong time type thing. Also, check to see if the spawn map you are checking is current.
  6. I love the idea of a friendly community where others can trade and whatnot. But announcing it on the forums is usually the beginning of the end.
  7. Agreed. No, you are not an asshole.
  8. Try to realize that this is the year 2012, and having relationships via the internet is not exactly a new idea. Even in real life we have different circles of friends. A core group of friends you've known for years, friends you met through your girlfriend/boyfriend and coworkers are just a few examples. It's definitely not an alien idea to consider "people I have met in online games" just another circle of friends that may or may not one day interact with your other circles.
  9. Not a flame, just a suggestion. If you are like me and enjoy a challenge in a video game, it seems like the benefit of not killing others is that you are challenged with honing your online communication skills in a game where you feel communication is difficult. In fact, since you feel survival is already too easy, it seems that while you see no benefit to not killing someone else, there might also be no benefit in killing them since you feel as though your survival is already pretty much guaranteed. Again, just a suggestion. I've got no problem with you killing people.
  10. Baddum12

    This game is unplayable

    I've actually been having a lot of issues, too. It seems similar, but the only difference is I actually have to recreate a character. Every day, I log on, servers freeze at loading screen, maybe the 5th server I try actually loads. Then I have to recreate a character, I run around have fun, get cool stuff and then log out in a secluded safe place. Next day, same thing, recreate the character because I guess trying to log on to a lot of servers kills you, I'm not too keen on what it does, but it's necessary when most of the servers just don't work for me.
  11. I knew it had to be something simple I was overlooking. Thanks a lot.
  12. Hey there, I searched and couldn't find an answer to this question, perhaps there isn't a way to do it. Is there a way to type in a server name or somehow connect to a specific server you have in mind? Alternately, is there an 'add to favorites' type feature for servers? Right now, I just play a random server every time I get on, whichever has low ping is US and regular difficulty. I guess what I'm asking for is a way to connect to the same server each time I get on without having to sift through the entire server list. Thanks in advance for any replies. And I apologize if this has been answered, but I could not find a thread on it. -Brian