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Everything posted by Findexx

  1. Hello, I registered to this page just so I could get some help with my game. Every time I try to join a server I get the "You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.Chernarus" I bought the game today (Combined Operations) via Steam. Installed it, ran the games, installed DayZ manually, same message. Frustrated, I reinstalled the game, tried the Commander autoinstaller, it said it was up to date, tried joining a server, and then, THE SAME FU*ING error message. I don't know what to do, I've run the combined operations via steam, launched via the Commander, I HAVE the properties->launch options->-mod=@dayz -nosplash thingy, but it still doesn't seem to work. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for reading.
  2. Findexx

    Deleted.Chernarus help.

    Alright, well now some servers are working, while some others don't. Still, I wish someone could help. Edit: Playing via the commander launcher.
  3. Findexx

    Deleted.Chernarus help.

    Sigh... I only found advice from LVG that If I am playing via steam, (which I am not) I should start combined operations.
  4. Findexx

    Deleted.Chernarus help.

    Dude, I'm not playing via steam. Your post says that if you are playing via STEAM I should start combined operations.
  5. Findexx

    Deleted.Chernarus help.

    Tried that, won't work. It says 1 file missing and won't do anything else.
  6. Findexx

    Deleted.Chernarus help.

    I've installed both, twice, and commander says I am running all the files that are up-to-date.