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About Findexx

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Findexx

    Deleted.Chernarus help.

    Alright, well now some servers are working, while some others don't. Still, I wish someone could help. Edit: Playing via the commander launcher.
  2. Findexx

    Deleted.Chernarus help.

    Sigh... I only found advice from LVG that If I am playing via steam, (which I am not) I should start combined operations.
  3. Findexx

    Deleted.Chernarus help.

    Dude, I'm not playing via steam. Your post says that if you are playing via STEAM I should start combined operations.
  4. Findexx

    Deleted.Chernarus help.

    Tried that, won't work. It says 1 file missing and won't do anything else.
  5. Findexx

    Deleted.Chernarus help.

    I've installed both, twice, and commander says I am running all the files that are up-to-date.
  6. Hello, I registered to this page just so I could get some help with my game. Every time I try to join a server I get the "You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.Chernarus" I bought the game today (Combined Operations) via Steam. Installed it, ran the games, installed DayZ manually, same message. Frustrated, I reinstalled the game, tried the Commander autoinstaller, it said it was up to date, tried joining a server, and then, THE SAME FU*ING error message. I don't know what to do, I've run the combined operations via steam, launched via the Commander, I HAVE the properties->launch options->-mod=@dayz -nosplash thingy, but it still doesn't seem to work. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for reading.