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Everything posted by Cbraccia

  1. Are they still saving off map or did they fix this bug in one of the past patches?
  2. If you can manage to find a blood pack and get into the West Side Cherno Fire Tower Stairwell, I would be more than happy to share any of my loot that you may need.
  3. I play with a few friends, we are always looking for other players to join us. We have some decent loot and are willing to share. However as of 5min ago I was jumped by a bandit, I killed him but I'm now bleeding out in the Fire Tower on the West side of Cherno. Willing to do a rescue mission, if you can grab a blood bag and save me I'de be more than happy to share supplies with you.
  4. I have a few friends that play with me and we are looking for a stable server. I have a fairly large stash I'm willing to share. However, I was jumped by a bandit a few min ago, killed him but now I'm bleeding out in the Cherno Fire Tower. Anyway we could pull off a rescue mission and in return I'll share my loot?
  5. I'm up for helping or teaming up with anyone. I currently play with a few friends but they do not get on until later. If anyone would like to teamup my id is Cbraccia91. Currently I'm next to the Elektro supermarket with 1.4k HP :P Message me on steam or on here.