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Usagi Sempai

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Everything posted by Usagi Sempai

  1. 1.Make post claiming OP has small penis. 2. Call OP and other users immature. (Even though they're being more mature.) Nice one, mate.
  2. Hello. Let me start off by saying that this problem had not started since began, and it persists now in It's a very odd problem that to me, doesn't make any sense. As stated in the title, while playing DayZ I often lose internet connection entirely. Whether it be through Steam, Teamspeak, or the game itself. I have cable internet; nothing special sure, but it should still be plenty. My rig can handle the settings as well, so I see no problem there either. Another thing I should point out, is that I also receive the 'Battleye failed to respond' yadda yadda, and I'm still working on the fix for that. (Going into the router etc; though my router might not have multiplexing or some other jargon. I'm no networking guy.) Though the more I piece things together (Like the fact I drop steam calls/lag in teamspeak) Are making me believe that my router may just need some kind of factory reset that I'll have to look into, unless any of you techies can help me here. I also have the problem through steam where I cannot reinstall battleye without getting the 'Missing String' error twice, which leads me to believe that I may just, in fact, have to update my router's firmware. Until I can get around to doing this, does anybody have any suggestions; and does anybody else suffer from this issue as well? Tldr: Herpa Derp Is it possible for DayZ to cause MASSIVE internet lag/droppage?
  3. Usagi Sempai

    Internet connection drops when playing DayZ

    First and only self-bump to come. :3