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Gen X

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About Gen X

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    On the Coast
  1. Fang aye? I ran into a Fang earlier this week which I think might've been on either a Viginia server or US, there were three of us and we found him in a barn on his own in Nadezhdino. We wasted a lot of Zeds from that barn then moved to Pulkovo. I got sniped in the head trying to get a water bottle off a Zed. My two mates thought it was Fang who shot us as he was facing our direction and shooting from about 50 meters away, but he was trying to shoot the bandit behind us. One of my mates shot and killed Fang but then died from the Bandit. Only one of the four survived and we never got to say sorry to Fang. He was a quiet sort but a good sport.