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About tripmine

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    On the Coast

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  1. A day? Awesome! Ok SKuD, here's a deal: How much does your work-day cost? Let's say you're a pro-coder that charges $100 an hour and you put in 10 hours per day. I'll give you 1000 USD if you can give me a completely original Arma 2 mod that has complete feature parity with DayZ (without the cross server database/inventory) and the same or better level of performance and stability. Since I'm nice, I'm going to give you the whole weekend to work on it. Deliver the source code and source files for the mod before Monday, and the money is yours!
  2. tripmine

    Vanishing Vehicle?

    Hi Ernir, Reading you post makes me also think there's something wrong with vehicle saving... Yesterday, I repaired an Ural, drove it to the woods, saved the vehicle (a few times to be sure) then logged off. Logged back in a few hours later (I think after a server restart) and it was gone. To make sure nobody had stolen it, I walked back to it's original spawn point, and there it was. But without any of the repairs I had made, or any of the items I had saved in it. Fast forward a few hours, and a crazy turn of events leads a friend of mine to hijack someone's V3S near the quarry. We meet up, and since it's late into the night by then, we stash it away in the woods. I save it and then log off. I log back in this morning, and instead of a V3S, in the exact same spot I see a FREAKING BUS! with what I think were the same items in it's cargo and what I'm pretty sure are the exact same repair stats. Is this tread the best way of reporting bugs? If not where should I post it?