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Mark Darkers

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About Mark Darkers

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  1. Mark Darkers

    Dark nights? Where'd they go? Also: Thunder?

    As a matter of fact I have been to the country side, I live in a fielded and forested area. And yes pitch black happens when you have just turned of your light source. After a while your eyes adjust and it gets lighter. Fields are very managable, however you are right about the forest part, if it is dense, not much light gets through.
  2. Mark Darkers

    Dark nights? Where'd they go? Also: Thunder?

    Yes, but as the nights with a clear sky can indeed be brighter, they do not lose color. The gray nights are very ugly and take me (personally) right out of the immersion. Arma 3 did a good job on this, The sun and the moon use the same directional (as far as I know off, correct me if I'm wrong), light it just changes intensity and color. Which in turn create a very accurate color schema throughout the day evening and night sky.
  3. Instead of wining about everything, adjust to it. The mod had choppers, no one complained then, you just ran like hell when you saw one.
  4. Mark Darkers

    Night Vision in Standalone

    As the brightness of the nights are how they are now + the gamma option's ridiculous values, NVG will not be needed if previous problems are not dealt with.
  5. Mark Darkers

    Polygon Slider- For better FPS!

    You do realize that you can not reduce polygons on the fly... So a slider would be out of the question, however you could have LOD's (level of detail), wich basically mean every model has 3 or more preset meshes it can load (low, mid and high poly). And guess what, the engine does this by default based on distance. What you are referring to, seems to me, is tessellation. Which add's more poly's to low poly's, however, this would be a huge performance hit. It simply would otherwise be impossible to increase the polygon count without simply breaking the animation rig's blending/blend shapes.
  6. Mark Darkers

    Zombie meat

    The DayZ lore that existed since the mod (as confirmed by de devs), states that the survivors are for unknown reasons imune to the infection virus that infected the local civilians. They are never dead (so not really a zombie), but rather comparable to a dog infected with rabies. They are alive, just badshit crazy. So technically eating the meat would have no side effects (tied to the infection itself) that differs from eating human meat.
  7. Mark Darkers

    Least favorite game features

    Then that will get you killed.
  8. Mark Darkers

    Fast Travel

    I don't get why everybody is always complaining about meeting up with friends and that it takes to "long" or is to "diffucult". I do this daily, simply figure out where each of you are and meetup half way, this will mostly cost you 5-10 min of travel time, it is not that hard... Plus you have the benefit of picking up loot along the way, food and other stuff.
  9. Mark Darkers

    Punish 'Stuffed'?

    you already get tired more faster when you are stuffed, so you will have an unsteady aim allot faster.... It was introduced with the fatigue system for aiming a while back.
  10. Mark Darkers

    In-Game Map vs Online Map

    No one considers it cheating... it is just a reference. Also you don't have to alt tab, you can set it as your steam default browser page, then you pres shift tab, bam ingame map.
  11. Mark Darkers

    New Zombie Fail

    Also don't forget that, to save UV space of the texture, most of the times arms and legs are mirrored geometry and both of all 4 the UV layout will be the same, to save texture space, modelers place both arms over each other in the UV space and legs, thus only need to create one texture to texture them both.. ignorend kid
  12. Mark Darkers

    Spawn hubs

    Well, you could also do what every one else does (including me and my friends) and that is find your bearings on the map and meet halfway, it is never longer than a ten min walk that way.
  13. Mark Darkers

    Silencers using empty water bottles/cans

    Any video with the silencer in 'action'....
  14. Well the zombies weren't (aren't) a treat since the beginning of the alpha, it all has to do with their AI and some other optimisations. It will come eventually :) and then player's can't afford to shoot in a town without getting a horden on them. It would finally require some thinking before taking a drastic action.
  15. Mark Darkers

    The term bandit what it means now

    Nope, actually you are using the terms as they should be, how you use them is the way they originated from the mod. It is the new wave of players that came in with the hype that started over using the word bandit for everything that was done to them (mostly because the lack of skill or knowledge they have to stay alive in the first place). I use the terms in the same way as you do.