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About daymo

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. daymo

    Trading M107 for NVGs

    Have i have a spare NVG add me on skype or steam Skype: daymiend Steam: xXmetalcherryXx
  2. Hey, I added you on steam.
  3. daymo

    [TRADE] Wanting to trade away M4A3 CCO

    i have a ghillie and nvgs or l85 i would like to trade
  4. Yer i would like to trade
  5. daymo

    Looking for frequent trader

    What would you trade for satchels?
  6. daymo

    Trading for car.

    Would like to trade i have nvg range finder and some other weapons
  7. daymo

    Trading AS50 for SVD Camo/Ghille por favor..?

    I'll trade my svd camo pm Steam: xXmetalcherryXx
  8. daymo

    Anyone have an SVD Camo to trade?

    I have a SVD camo with 3 mags what could you give me?
  9. daymo

    dayZ -- Trade with me

    Hey i have some spare ghillies if your up for a trade.
  10. I have ghillies suit up for trade for NVG's
  11. daymo

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    Looking for ghillie suits can trade medical things and weapons
  12. daymo

    Trading for Camo Clothing

    i have 2 camo what can i get
  13. daymo

    need a satchel charge

    Could i trade something for the ghillies? /
  14. daymo


    I have antibodies and 3 SD mags for ghillie
  15. Yer i have entrenching tool and a toolbox what can i get