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About reaper8141

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    Killen Alabama, 35645
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    Just a another brick in the wall.
  1. We are keeping them down till standalone release, having major issues keeping them up.
  2. I'm having issues unbanning some clients. I am unable to find them on my ban list.
  3. Yes, we ensure boredom is a long stretch from easily happening. Server will soon be bumped up to veteran. Removing zed dots etc. It's properly administrated against hacking/pvping but we cannot gurantee you that niether will happen. Jot a name down and we'll ban em'.
  4. Well, people work on building bases, help eachother out, go lone wolf and kill zombies. We mainly focus on the survival aspect of the game. It's not that we are against pvp. We ban for it but that's under this server. Also we are running latest patch to those newbs out there not updating.
  5. Welcome to MK's! Hello! Welcome to our servers Here at MK's we are a group of people who come home after long days of work and school to kick back and have some fun whether it be discussions, chats, gaming, etc.. We have a teamspeak server with many regulars (Don't be shy, we are all friendly) and quite a few newcommers to the servers daily. We currently have three servers that are running Non-PvP and are administrated by select few who show they are capable of helping. We decided that if we went Non-PvP and Non-Hive (Also know as Private Hive non pvp server, rules and guidelines for server hosting do not affect private servers) it woud be more beneficial to keeping the group together. We almost never get bored of the servers which are running seperate maps and edited vehicle spawns and difficulty. The object of removing the pvp factor from our servers has exponentially increased teamwork and ultimately reduced qurrals, arguments and fights. Our connection information is below as follows. Chernarus: Lingor: Namalsk: (Use DayZ commander to connect via ip/port) Teamspeak Rules Spamming is not tolerated and you will be kicked or banned. Trolling is not allowed nor will we stand for it, please act mature and try to have fun! Be kind and show respect to everyone we are a group! Racism will not be tolerated and result in immediate removal from the server. ts41.gameservers.com:9118
  6. reaper8141

    Standalone suggestions.

    On a phone, I can't seem to type their and there correctly. Thanks for readjng.
  7. reaper8141

    Standalone suggestions.

    Hello everyone, I know I've had some disagreements with a few of your members over some brief drama and controversy but I stopped myself from being too incredibly bias. I've been playing/co-owning a private hive server for a week or two now and I've also played on other for months. I'm telling you this to help you have an understanding that I know the mechanics of this game very well and I have played ARMA since Cold War Assault. With that I've come across a very wide variety of things that could be altered and or changed to improve the survival aspect of the game(no I'm not touching pvp elements what so ever)I'm going to save your eyes any further strain and get to the point. 1. ) I've really grown attached to the weather system from ARMA II and I have noted that a better weather mechanic is going to be attempted and or implemented in the standalone version of DayZ. I was considering a seasonal change that follows the seasons of real life! I understand implementing snow storms and snow that affects a land scape is most likely incredibly difficult but It would be very immersive. During the winter time in real life and DayZ the normal clothes will instead spawn winter clothing (spawn on shore with jacket/beanie and white ghillie suits) so you can have normal colored ghille and white ones. <--- is a very large implementation/suggestion but can easily be disputed/discussed over in separate threads. 2.) During my time on the coastal cities of Chernarus, It has come to my attention that there are many improvements to the ocean that may or may not be implemented it is mainly visual effects. When people are swimming via breast stroke they are very slow at times, this is a ARMA mechanic but in A3 I understand you will be able to dive and search sunken ships as advertised in some media images on their main website. To the suggestion: What I and possibly many others would like to see are a some what more realistic approach to tides and the effect of weather on coastal areas. Typhoons are prominent in the areas around their, and during the morning hours there is very thick and dense fog near the coasts. 3.) Not many people of suggested this but cave networks in the northern most region of Chernarus would be a very interesting sight to see. They used to mine many areas in the old CR and seeing how there is a new map we will have room to customize to your hearts content. The caves wont have to run deep at all, if you take the North Western mountain/cliff with a helicopter spawn located at it. Those locations are great for finding caves. 4.) Fishing! The ability to find fishing boats and have a ride pretending to go on fishing trips was very fun, it would be very cool if this mechanic could ever be implemented into the game. Along with fishing, do you believe we should have small/large rivers run through Chernarus? Rivers present a challenge both physically and mentally. Ponds are okay but they lack in numbers. 5.) This thread is too long. Thanks for reading, JohnLennon
  8. reaper8141

    Multiple Glitches

    Artifacts are back, tried 200 different servers.
  9. reaper8141

    Banned on US 500 GET TO DA CHOPPA

    I ban for people using M249s with TWS scopes. gg
  10. reaper8141

    Flare Guns

  11. reaper8141

    World War weapons

    Czech uses Cyrillic language, Russians use the Cyrillic language Learn your history.
  12. reaper8141

    just delete this...

  13. reaper8141

    Please add a Batman Skin

    beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans you have mine.
  14. reaper8141

    Skins, not skills

    I do not agree with skin changes, they will cause problems down the road.