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Everything posted by OffshoreTroll

  1. OffshoreTroll

    DayZ Role-Play Group: Now Recruiting!

    Hey, excellent idea! Here it comes .. 1. Are you willing to start a new character in DayZ for the sake of role-playing? Yes, I would. But in my case I do not think it is necessary, since I just died and started over. Currently, I have a doubble barreled shotgun, a tiny bit of ammo to the shotgun, Makarov without any ammo, and some food. I think where this character is right now in terms of gear and time spent will fit according to my roleplaying idea and backgroundstory. But if the chief of this group should think otherwise, I'll start anew. 2. Do you have a Skype account? Yes, I do. My username is Fredoev 3. Do you have a private TeamSpeak / Mumble / Ventrillo that we can use for the group (this is not required at all, but it would really be nice if someone had one that we could use)? Nope, I'm affraid not. 4. What is your new character's full name (you can also use a nickname that you would like to go by. Please, make the nickname serious though, I will not accept any nicknames that are not)? Fredoslav "Freddy" Vlodmir 5. What is your character's story (how did they get to Chernarus)? Fredoslav Vlodmir, or just known as Freddy, was a quite normal man, halfway through his life, living at the farm he once inherited from his father out in the forest along with his wife, not so many miles from Chernarus. Fredoslavs father was a Russian farmer, and his mother an adventurer from Norway, who finally settled down when she met Fredoslavs father. Freddy's only child, his son, almost 20 years old, still lived at the farm helping out. A fine lad. They lived a normal life, tending to the crops, sowing, harvesting, when it happened. First, they saw it on the news. Then, they saw it themselves. The Russian army was everywhere. The village down the hill was being turned into a refugee shelter. They barred all windows and doors, thinking they would outlast the horror, endure the pain. But they were wrong. It all happened so fast. It was all a blur. Freddy's wife is hurt. How did that man break open the window? She was all bloody. A day later she was dead. At least so he tought. He can't stand thinking about it, how she came back from the dead. How she tried to attack him. How he had to .. kill, his own wife – or what used to be his wife. Now all hell breaks loose. Freddy stands there with his doubble barreled shotgun and the corpse of his wife lying on the floor while the zombies break into the house. Freddy grabs a backpack and his shotgun and storms out. He runs into the forest, never looking back. In the confusion, he suddenly realises that his son is nowhere to be found. But the zombies are at him. He must run. And so he runs with his life at stake, so deep into the woods that the sun itself can't be seen through the trees over him. He runs and runs, for how long he does not know til' this day. All he knows is that his son is out there, alive, dead .. or worse, and that he will never stop until he has found his son. He can't stop thinking about it, how he murdered his wife and how he abandoned his son in the confusion. Never again. Life has lost it's meaning. Fredoslav spits on death and life alike. His only purpose in this so called life is finding his son, killing zombies, and chewing bubblegum .. and guess what? He's all out of bubblegum. 6. Do you have good microphone quality (very little background noise would be considered good)? If I can say so my self, it's a nice and dandy microphone with almost no background noise. But really, it's a good mic.