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About ElemenoP

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  1. ElemenoP

    human claymore

    It's the apocalypse. Deal with it. I think forcing hoarders to diversify their little loot paths is a good reason to implement this in and of itself. Fuck your homely and reliable Barracks, the world is ending. It's not like with all these guns around there wont be any explosives, and there is a mine on the map. If someone cant figure out how to use these in any better way than by blowing themselves up, hey, that's on them. The ability to strap a detonatable bomb onto anything adds all sorts of possibilities. Hostage situations, booby traps, bomb zombies, what have you. This one feature adds a ton of depth to the gameplay, as well as the overall psycology of the game. "[Your friend/car] [This Building] [My jacket] is wired to explode, if anything doesn't go according to plan..." Make that stuff rare and it's just another part of the game. They probably wouldn't implement it like fuckwits either given their approach (ie: TNT will smoke first, satchel charges are super rare). I'd assume there will be different types too, with most not being able to level a building.
  2. Thanks! It doesn't allow for fairness? In DayZ? A game where you spawn with nothing vs a world of people w/ .50 cal snipers. Fairness isn't really a factor imo. That said, their targets will be better camouflaged too. Counter snipers are harder to see, small arms players are harder to see. But they still all definitely stand out. Even ghillies if you see them from a distance. The gameplay implications are big enough that "giving snipers more" isn't a big risk.
  3. I was hoping for more "appearance matches actions" than really straight "achievement." I want clothing to be a representation of what the player does, not how many pig skulls he's collected and so on. That said, thanks for the comment man
  4. That'd be awesome if they could somehow make it work. Not after murder though, maybe after days survived.
  5. How so? Bandit skins worked fine. This is just using different models to represent different things. It's not achievements so much as "the player's appearance can match his/her actions.
  6. It is pretty gamey, you're right. Optional/interchangeable is what I was hoping for. I'll check out that faction thread Thanks! Ehhh...I was for that at first, even made a thread about it. Now...idk... That would be pretty bitchin' actually I will! Thanks Hahaha thanks man, seems like you got the gist Nah, the point of this isn't to make skins an achievement. The point is to make them a "declaration of character" so to speak. Player chooses their look by performing associated actions.
  7. Ok. Here's a way that can allow the humanity system in, but in a way where players self identify. Basic Concept: Performing basic actions grants the player optional clothing changes. Finding camo remains possible in addition. Examples/ideas: Bandit skin: Murder a survivor or bounty hunter. The player wants to be a bad guy. He'd kill players anyway, no new incentive for murder. Gains badass camo, becomes social outcast and free target. Doctor skin: Administer a blood transfusion The player want's to appear to be a good guy. Performs related good action. Gains potential trustworthiness, becomes bright white target. Courier skin: Repair a vehicle The player wants to drive cars and smuggle stuff. Player fixes cars and smuggles stuff. Gains zombie-like clothing, becomes vehicle/loot/camp signal. Hunter skin: Eat the meat from an animal you killed. Shoot the cow, steal it's power. Mild incentive to kill your own food. Gains ambiguous forest camo, becomes more likely shoot-on-sight victim. Bounty hunter skin: Kill a bandit The player wants to hunt bandits and appear to be good. The same reasons as before. Gains different but badass camo, becomes bandit target and noob magnet. Survivalist skin: Survive one week Naturally, after a week of breaking into houses and supermarkets you'd be better equipped. Gains a jacket, becomes a valuable person (for good or for bad) Guide skin: Survive two weeks After two weeks, anyone still alive would be set up. Gains a sick poncho, becomes even more valuable. Lunatic skin: Survive one month Who knows, he's survived a month of killing the undead and insane bandits. Gains mad street cred and a willy wonka skin or something, ascends to legendary status. Why this system a good idea in my opinion anyway. It's intuitive None of these skins require you to drop roleplay to get. If you want to be a bandit, do your thing. If you want to be a doctor, help people. This way, you can get right into starting your new life however you want. It's voluntary The biggest problem with the last system was could label you against your will. Now you pick the "vibe" you want to give off. It's up to other players to interpret it. Keeps players from getting mad at the system, allows them to put up fronts. It adds depth The previous humanity system gave you two looks: potential killer and serial killer. New system: Serial Killer, Serial Killer Killer, Un-Killer, Animal killer, Car fixer and survivalist. Evaluating potential friendlies and targets becomes harder You get clothing easily Lowers the learning curve for newcomers, makes system more varied and reliable. Findable camouflage is rare loot. Skins reflecting actions/personality are gameplay features. Clothing should not be like an achievement. You get an appearance by performing actions relevant to that appearance. Thoughts? Questions? Concerns? I'm personally excited for the inevitable Bandit/Bounty Hunter wars that would take place.
  8. I hate when people say /thread Like your opinion is some supreme gift that silences all doubts and need for discussion. Either way, campfires are for cooking at the moment because they have no other functionality. That's not just as a rule. Hatchets used to be just to chop down wood. How is it not a solution for it? If you log out in x manner that takes time and preparation, you're good. If you don't, you get the same punishment that everyone else is proposing. Well, if you are within 10 meters of another player in their camp, and you both survive, then yes. You guys may as well be friends. If you game crashes then it'd be the same as your game crashing once the timer gets implemented. Or like it is in almost any other online game w/persistence. Yep, it sucks, but it's worth it to prevent teleporting from combat to the 12th pane of reality.
  9. Two ideas, to make playing together easier and curb dc abuse. Login/logout Players must log out within 10-15-20 w/e meters of a campfire to log out instantly. Players who do not log out near a campfire will remain in-server for 2 minutes. Players who do not log out near a campfire will spawn unconscious. Fires burn out after a log-out. Kind of a hassle, especially for new spawns, but does have some good implications. Can't server hop into buildings as easily Can't d/c during combat easily Can't d/c to gain combat advantage as easily Leaves evidence of d/c Encourages players to find survival supplies faster Makes campfires more than build-able ovens. Buddy Spawn - I know it's unrealistic. Just, bear with me for a minute. Being within 10 meters of another player and a campfire adds you to each-others "buddy list" for the rest of that life. (Buddy list cleared on death) When joining a server, if a buddy has a campfire up, and you're still their buddy, you can spawn on it. Spawning on a campfire burns it out. I know, But...but...the realism walking for hours is fun! it should take years to meet your buddies This game is too hardcore for friendship care-bear doesn't like walking sim 2012 Listen. This system: Doesn't allow you to continually reinforce your ranks. Death clears buddy list. Doesn't allow you to hot-drop 15 of your clan mates without significant effort (Requires 15 wood, so 30 backpack slots.) Allows you to link up with friends more easily, through a pseudo-tangible mechanic. (Logged out at campsite, log in at campsite in slightly new location. Still continuity) Allows you to play solo occasionally, and play with friends without having multiple accounts. Still requires travel for new spawns and exploration. Just not for reuniting with friends. Removes the huge incentive for clans to vehicle hoard, now that they can link up more easily. Makes it even more important to avoid death, since you lose your buddy list. Fires burning out after log-outs make it so that groups can't rapidly pull out at their camp's campfire. It's a fire, nobody's going to sneak up on you with it. It's highly visible for a mobile spawn point. Thats a ton of positive game-play implications right there. I feel like sacrificing a wee bit of realism for the sake of gameplay is ok. But DayZ isn't some pussy game that holds your hand and lets you have friends you stupid codkiddie. It's like real life but with zombies! No, shut the fuck up. You can't respawn in real life either.
  10. I only play on US East Coast servers. Stop your tears. 1. My bad, I guess finding them almost exclusively after a restart is a coincidence. I don't typically just wander through the woods, due to it being fucking boring. It's not a question of manning up so much as a question of me not enjoying playing the game like a hiking sim. Also, since you have vehicles, finding your clan is probably much easier. Some people don't. Not having to hike for an extra 15 minutes isn't a huge gamebreaker imo. 2. Yeah you're right. If I die, and me in my group drop what we're doing and run in perfectly straight lines intersecting at the exact middle point between us it could take about 8 minutes. Without the need to use supplies, dodge trees, avoid/navigate towns, or defend ourselves. 3. With this system, you can always spawn. It negates the usefulness of spawn hopping, while allowing players to choose, at least in a very limited and vague way, how to begin. Still need to travel from coast, and most likely longer ways, since each spawn section is about 4km long. Long enough to make re-spawning constantly to loot your own corpse much more difficult.
  11. Still spawn at a random location, just on a specific coast. The game tells you where you are. You still spawn in a random area on the coast, just on a slightly more specific section of it. Vehicles end up in caches in the middle of the woods within a few hours of a server restart. I've been playing for a long ass time and yesterday was the first day I found working cars. Running cross-country takes way more than 15 mins, and the map is 15km wide. Dunno how you figured that out. Also, it's 3 guidelines, most of which the average user won't even encounter. Complicated? The game tells you where you are. This feeling has worn off for me, I just spawn hop now because I know exactly where everything is. This system doesn't remove all of that mystery, just gives you a general section to spawn on. Thank you for your insightful reply.
  12. ElemenoP

    Ressurection bug.

    This happened to me yesterday, I got it in video Where: Bereznio What was I doing: Fighting for my life Current Version: Server: US #666, later lost the character to hackers teleporting the server. Specs: i5 quad core 3.33ghz, gtx 570, 8gb ram
  13. ElemenoP

    Hackers have gone too far

    Happened to us yesterday too