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About vengeance

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  1. Not sure what is going on. This error popped up on the server I normally play on. According to DayZ Commander everything is matched up server So idk Anyone able to help me?
  2. not sure if it's just that server. That's the only one i've tried... ill try another.
  3. Title says it all just started happening about 1hr and 30min ago. That is happening on the server i have all my tents and gear on... sooo idk what to do. Any help?
  4. vengeance

    1.62.95417 Issue

    Okay, renamed the original "arma2oa.exe" in the main folder to "old beta patch.exe" and from the expansion folder I copied the "arma2oa.exe" to the main folder. I doubled clicked that arma2oa.exe patch and now the game is working properly! I thanks you soooooo damn much! Another QUICK question while I've got your help haha. Now that that is all said and done... Can I open my game any other way six launcher, game booster, shortcut of arma2, steam etc.anything besides opening the beta patch and it work okay?
  5. vengeance

    1.62.95417 Issue

    I don't have a separate Arma2OA folder... when I installed them they installed in to the same folder "Arma2". I did however find the file you said. Would i just copy that in to the main folder then or what? Just looked back in to the main folder... that file is already there.
  6. vengeance

    1.62.95417 Issue

    Okay so first... My computer specs are attached as a . txt. Now I will go through all the the steps that i did to install Arma2, Arma2 OA, and DayZ. 1.) Bought Arma2 and Arma2 OA off of Amazon.com as a combined sale. 2.) Installed Arma2 first then Arma2 OA I downloaded them separately. So they'd be both be in one folder "arma2" 3.) I went to http://www.arma2.com...=folder〈=en to download the ARMA 2: Combined Operations / Operation Arrowhead / Reinforcements Patch 1.60 and ARMA 2: Combined Operations / Operation Arrowhead / Reinforcements Patch 1.62 4.) I opened the Six Updater let it do it's thing installing/updating files. 5.) Went to http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php and downloaded ARMA2_OA_Build_95417.zip. Not sure if I was supposed to extract the files in to my arma2 folder... but i did. 6.) I ran the .exe ARMA2_OA_Build_95417 it installed successfully. Everything done now... 7.) Opened Arma2 OA enabled the DayZ expansion. I let it restart for the changes to take effect. I went in to multiplayer and most of the servers i click on that has a yellow circled "?" they turn to a red "X" and down at the bottom right in RED it says "Required 1.62.95417". I don't know what to do anymore, it seem I've tried everything... I uninstalled it at least 3 times and repeated the steps carefully. The same issue come up. I've tried installing that LATEST beta patch but does nothing.. I don't know what to do. If someone could help that would be fantastic... I just want to play without worry of not being able to join a server my friends are on... Thank you for your time ~Josh DxDiag.txt
  7. vengeance

    Transfer cars...

    Thanks guys!
  8. vengeance

    Transfer cars...

    Just wondering, before I do and lose my car... Do the cars you find and save somewhere safe transfer across servers or does it just stay on the server you got it on??