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About kasseta

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. kasseta

    My game is really choppy and glitchy...

    please follow petition # 0017013 or create new ticket. After U0.49 game unplayable for most ppls with 32bit systems. And this problem still cant solved
  2. kasseta

    Artifacting on gtx 970 anyone?

    32 or 64bit sys?
  3. kasseta

    AKM101 bug

    "akm" 101 :) ?
  4. my eyes already bleed
  5. kasseta

    FPS and Texture Drop

    please follow support ticket #0017013
  6. kasseta

    Any fixes?

    if you look on troubleshooting forum, you find a LOT of topics with one problem, which is makes this game completely unplayable last 2+ weeks (lol, 2 weeks!) Too many ppl with 32bit systems cant playing in this game now and CANT testing too
  7. please bump petition # 0017013 or create new support ticket
  8. kasseta

    FPS drops, Memory Leaks after U0.49

    please create new support ticket or bump ticket #0017013
  9. kasseta

    FPS drops, Memory Leaks after U0.49

    still have this problem...
  10. kasseta

    dayz keeps freezing graphic bug

    dude you still have this problem after hotfix?
  11. kasseta

    texture bug.

    my friend have 64 bit system and still have same problems
  12. kasseta

    dayz keeps freezing graphic bug

    lol, look at 2:13! :lol: thats about what im talking last week. UNPLAYABLE welcome to the club dude!! http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/211581-fps-drops-memory-leaks-after-u049/ http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/169104-day-z-graphics-glitch-and-fps-lag-issue/ http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/211326-texture-bug/ sizl96, pls more info about ur system specs
  13. kasseta

    airfield bug through walls with video

    omfg ur FOV!!! my eyes is bleeding after watching this video
  14. kasseta

    FPS drops, Memory Leaks after U0.49

    Yeah i know this, but ppls with much powerful systems have same problems (another topics about this problem). About all related files - yes, clean all including mydocs\steam folders\local data and registry edit. too