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Posts posted by Shennytime

  1. Here's the story,

    I was just wandering around today on FR 167 when I made my way up to pushtoshka.

    As per usual I checked the town for zombies, but instead of zombies I spotted 2 busses and a choppper.

    My reaction: Awesome a chopper! being as there were no zombies in town, I pretty much ran over there and quickly checked the busses before getting in the chopper.

    After flying for a good 20-25 mins I made my way back over to Pushtoshka to check if there was any activity. And that's when it happened. No message received.

    Dubious? I would say so, so I relogged as well to see where I would end up and ran back to watch over Pushtoshka. Then I heard a chopper take off, so i opened fire on it with my m14 and either my shots or his lack off skills made him crash. Ran back into town, found the body (Stevo) and he had an as50 TWS. Even more dubious? I would say so. Went to open up the big metal sheds there and ended up finding 2 trucks, blue van and the UAZ military jeep. As "coincidence" would have it, No message received. This is the point where I stopped playing.

    Please see if there is anything that can be done? Only got footage untill the first no message received. Afterwards my harddrive was full unfortunately....



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