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About Kershockr

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Kershockr

    Hardcore Spawncampers

    You just complained about getting sniped in CHERNO for logging out in exposed areas and called your killer a hacker. Then you begged for beans on dayz livestreams. You just went full retard.
  2. Kershockr

    Stand Alone Suggestions!

    I think that there is no reason why it shouldn't be in the US (NOT saying it should, but there are no legit reasons it shouldn't). For one, there are a lot of malls and restaurants in the US, which would make more areas to be captured by groups, and the classic zombie mall. Another reason people don't want it is because you would understand the signs and things. I don't get this point. Are you implying that you would see a street sign that says "exampletown" and you would be like "OH since I understand english, I know exactly where exampletown is!" It doesn't work that way. In a place you don't know anything about, it might as well be in russian. It's not like you can't see a sign right now that says "Elektro 3 -->" and not understand anyway. Also, USA is just as beautiful or scenic as any other place. There are mountains, deserts, plains, hills, cities. It's not really any different from any other country.