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Everything posted by gman-94@hotmail.com

  1. gman-94@hotmail.com

    GB size of DZ Standalone ? Best guess anyone ?

    16Gb Corsair Vengeance RAM. 200mb really isn't going to kill me. Plus I prefer being able to use the steam chat system to keep in touch with people and the steam overlay hotkeys are nice and simple and don't break up the game.
  2. gman-94@hotmail.com

    Consolidated Weapons/Equipment suggestions

    I would love to see a larger selection of handguns, espicially a Sig P226, man that thing would just make it for me. Although fitting with the whole, eastern bloc theme. Surplus guns would be a big step up, Tokarev, Mosin Nagant (although for that you'd have to make SVD ammo less rare as it's the same round), maybe a few more AK variants just things that fit with that.
  3. gman-94@hotmail.com

    Magazines and Bullets

    I don't know if this has been suggested before as I haven't checked. But as this mod is supposed to be about realism, why don't we have separate magazines and rounds. Say you find a STANAG mag but it comes empty, you then have to find the rounds to load the magazine with, it may only be a few at a time. It would make using guns a last resort as ammo would be hard to find and very important. Although this may need a rework of the melee weapon system, but it's something to add depth and realism to the game. I hope this makes sense to everyone like it does me.