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About {ZENEX}Line

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  1. Beans for staying and proving he obviously was using godmode. If the first shots weren't enough the burst of head shots proves the case.
  2. This so called "personal information" that's being posted by admins is not something anyone should be crying about. I paid 20 dollars for this game on a steam sale and I don't pay monthly servers fees. Since there are far more script abusers than abusive admins why not take admins word over someone who doesn't even identify them self. Pretty easy to tell why this game gets shit on all day. In my opinion ban first ask questions later. Admins are a major factor in running this game and its often unplayable. Admins need more rights, not people who spend their money supporting script selling programmers.
  3. {ZENEX}Line

    My helicopter exploded mid-flight

    as50s can buck down fully repaired choppers. However, I've tanked like 5 or 10 shots + tons of other bullets no problem. Might have been m107 rounds from the as50s I've been shot by but still choppers have some decent armor. the ones ive used stay green under super heavy fire and then the damage is showed next time i land. then i scroll over save and jump back in and it repairs it back to full green lol.
  4. player list can help reveal hackers so its useful right now. In a standalone a quick join button would be sick though
  5. {ZENEX}Line

    Massive hacker camp

    rgo frag nades spawn inside the uaz....10 of them lol
  6. {ZENEX}Line

    How rare is the L85A2 AWS?

    pretty much garbage if you want the highest tier of gear find as50 tws found off dead hackers.
  7. {ZENEX}Line


    Think about this most of these guys don't know scripting they pay for these hacks. They are spending real cash to eventually get the ban hammer. It does come and will continue to come. I understand the frustration but i feel if i'm killed by a hacker yeah i got trolled, but how hard are these guys getting trolled when they lose 50 bucks to global ban. Just saw it happen on a some hackers stream and he was crazy mad then shutdown his stream. honestly i enjoy a good >2k survival quest with an emfield. Only time it does suck is if you get separated from friends idk why they removed the respawn button.
  8. {ZENEX}Line

    sweet vengeance hackers receive global bans

    Nope he got a global ban. tried to join multiple servers and got same global ban msg then he mumbled some shit and shutdown the stream. Sorry if i missed the sarcasm cant hear inflections of speech on forums. i assume these guy buy more accounts and continue to troll. which is quite funny because they are really getting trolled paying for this
  9. yo alt f4 all day baby! they don't and won't do shit. its survival and the scripters are part of that so is altf4. However altf4 in pvp is real lame so you gotta be quick if you unload into someones head and they dont die. worst you'll ever get is a 5minute shock for mass altf4 idk i got it once
  10. So i see 2 hackers decided to go on twitch.tv this morning and started streaming killing whole servers or stalking individuals. Not only did the guy admit to paying money for scripts(><), he was server hopping to avoid other scripters, and then received a battle eye global ban. These guys are the worst gamers i have ever seen and i can't stop laughing. No wonder i haven't been killed by a script for around a month these guys are clueless retards. to anyone who has had a run of bad luck just remember these guys aren't having fun they paid for their garbage and want their moneys worth. Altf4 and you win. Man can't stop smiling this guy got fucking owned.
  11. {ZENEX}Line

    What to do then low health and good gear?

    you want to find a tent throw your entire inventory in it and press alt and f4 when you relog you will have items in your inventory and in the tent. Its whatcha want.
  12. {ZENEX}Line


    So i'm not sure if this is common knowledge but its pretty much the best way to avoid frustrating episodes with hackers. Take your inventory, put it in a tent, and then shutdown. When you relog your gear is in your inventory and in the tent. I have tents on low pops all along the coast and enjoy fully geared pvp all day. If you want to play just as a survivor and chub around in the middle of the map then you purchased a game called Run z and its not a satisfying game in my opinion. When you join servers that have you name in group chat saying your cords I believe it's a server with scripters and I shutdown. The longer you play the better you sixth sense for scripting activity will become. I haven't died to a hacker in the last month. I did get teleported to the roof of churno firestation and altf4ed. Wasn't damaging whatsoever, considering i teleported about 400meters and shutdown before i could get shot. I'm sure this will make people mad but if it wasn't for the exploits this game would be unplayable. I highly suggest duping your items and relogging to refill your clips. Once you have gotta all the gear multiple times and died to a random tree branch, had a car explode for no apparent reason and get insta killed by a scripter, you will realize duping your items is also part of the glitchy mod. Its silly not to use it. And i'm sure half the people if not more who read this partake in these exploits. Do you think the guys with as50s and ghilles in the hills of electro who aren't on the leadrboard got all that by carefully avoiding zombies? It's pretty hard to retrieve you body on that hill yet there's always people on there willing to give up everything.