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Everything posted by Chrisling

  1. Chrisling

    The Regulators are looking for good people

    Your clan member, Robert-_-Frost, just saved my life in Electro! I joined up with a stranger just outside of the city, and we went into the town to seek medical supplies since I had been hit by a sniper on the ridge. As we got to the hospital another survivor came along with no gear and we decided to stick together, but little did we know as my mate got shot in the back... killed on the spot. I managed to get a few rounds in the traitor, but took a few myself. From a distance I could hear Robert, trying to get in contact with me, wanting to save me! I ran to the hospital, climbed the ladder and he fix'd me up with a bloodbag. Finally I could breathe alittle, however we all know Electro and just a few minutes after a sniper had us in his sight. I got into good cover, but Robert took a hit and died instantly ontop of the hospital.... I waited some time before making a run to the ladder, got down and ran off to seek out the sniper, but he was nowhere to be found... Im still alive to this second, but only because of his action! He talked about this clan, helping people and his action convinced me! Im joining your ranks. Big shout out to Robert! I owe you big time man!!! (Everything happend on DE655, name was TonyStark)
  2. Chrisling

    [1.5.7] Keep Spawning at the Coast

    Same Issue here.
  3. Chrisling

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    Option nr. 1! Looks awesome ;)
  4. Chrisling

    Problem after the patch.

    I can verify this, just logged in and experienced the same FPS drop. Tried to lower the GFX, reboot computer same thing.
  5. Chrisling

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    Stuck with final assignment didnt write on it the last week cause i've been DayZing and now you roll out awesomeness.1.5.8? damn you Rocket.... Damn you to hell!!! :D