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Everything posted by lappihuan

  1. lappihuan

    A first look at DayZ Modding

    Will shapfile support for roads be added to DayZ TB and DayZ Game since it is already used in A3?
  2. no, just ignore them until you need to do something witch needs time or space without Zombies. I kill less Zombies than Players because when im in a Town, i just try to loose zombies by breaking the line of sight or run threw Buildings etc.
  3. You take care of Zombies, most of the people just ignore them... It's the easyer way to stay alive ;)
  4. Well, since there is underwather Terrain, the map will be 350km^2 :rolleyes:
  5. V3C1C you seem to me like, you read yesterday the fist time about Arma III... I know everyone started somewhere, but pls read more abuout a Topic before you Post something about it. Arma has hundreds an thousends of Mods, even Zombie Mods were there before DayZ was released... I think there will be a Ported Version of the DayZ mod in Arma 3 and it's RV4 Engine(Witch is the Engine, not Arma 3 Engine :rolleyes: ) but it will have some issues too, like other said, because its a mod. But since the Clothing, Weapon Customisation etc. in DayZ SA will be from the RV4 (yes it is, [inventory not]) there are other Limitations witch we can't say witch are (since Arma 3 isn't out now) Just drink some nice Tea, wait and enjoy :) btw. Altis will be 350km^2 ;)
  6. lappihuan

    Why is DayZ so beautiful?

    Nothing to say about that, it's just poorly optimized... Hope it changes with further Versions of RV engines :)
  7. lappihuan

    Anyone use Track ir 5?

    PM me with a working E-Mail address and i will send you my configfile.
  8. lappihuan

    Anyone use Track ir 5?

    Well as far as i looked in to the settings, no. But i own it just about 1 Month so there is mutch i didn't found jet. But my advise, us the Track IR not like freelook in Arma II/ DayZ, so scanning around the treelines behind etc. is better if you still use the Freelook like before, but in CQC or just looking around everything in front of you, it is a biig help, since your field of view grows by using Track IR (not ingame FOV but if you have to see someting at your 2 you look at your 2 and you see more of your right field of view). Sry if im confusing you, my english isn't that good and i don't know if everything is understandable. But for better help, try out everything by yourself until it feels natural to you. Watch some Youtube Vid's about the configs etc. and don't forget, Infantry is alot more Deadzone havyer than liek for a Pilot (No Deadzone set by me). And something helped me, coming into Track IR Gameplay was, to immagin my feets and my body under me and try to keep in mind where they are walking to etc. it makes you feel be there with a well set up Track IR. Most intense Firefights ;) E: If you wan't i can post my Settings later, when i come back home.
  9. lappihuan

    Anyone use Track ir 5?

    I use it also in first person. Just play around with the Parameters and set som "Deadzones" but not hard ones, just some fadein/out and your screen will be more stable. Also your gun will not point in the Heaven if you set the look up/down axe a harder Deadzone.
  10. lappihuan

    Oh DayZ

    Well, i think you deserve a lot of beans... If you are realy new to the game, most of the Player just disconnect if they are faceing the Death, but you didn't even the third time on a realy annoying trip :thumbsup: I think too this was a Server with custom Zombie hit damage, cause instant nockout happens to me mabye once in two weeks ;)
  11. this is so wrong.. in many ways :|
  12. lappihuan

    Ivan & Martin Free on bail

    Out on bail B)
  13. lappihuan

    new to this bandit gig

    "Alt" works in first P too... But i play with TrackIR so i don't need to ;)
  14. lappihuan

    new to this bandit gig

    Dude, that was no joke... thats what skilled Bandits do. And cows are the hardest part of all these four things ^_^ No... just kidding. Like CyanidC said... But if you are in the Position of the Victim ot better said the attacked, just run in a zig zag Sprint to your next Cover, locate the Targhet (Actual position of the Bandit not just the direction he shoot from) and shoot back. If you dont manage to kill him at this point, try to hide in a bit better position or flank him. Flanking is that what the most player dont get, they just think you still sitting in your cover while you sneack behind them up an pop em with a direct Heady. Loveit B) Oh and try to fight in 1st Person it's more like a FPS then. The keys "Q" and "E" must be your best friend in combat, use it!
  15. lappihuan

    Aiming down sight & zooming bug

    hmm mabye tra another mouse, also some problem with mine from the laptop... but with my G9 for the PC its evrything ok :) I don't think its a confissue, more like the mous is broken or just alittle bit buggy with the imput. Grammarnazis can suck this shit, im drunk as fuck and i wisch you a happy new year! ;)
  16. lappihuan

    ATI HD6950 Micro Sutter

    Same here, but for me it's like a cronejob of fps drops. Every 20 Sec. it lags for a half a sec. and then im back to 60fps. GPU: HD 6950 2GB
  17. lappihuan

    Loosing vehicles and gear

    No you did nothing wrong. I think the admins made a Server Rollback or even a wipe cause of the Hacker.
  18. lappihuan

    Latest Dayz version

    :huh: 1.62.99515 = Arma 2 OA Beta Version = DayZ Mod Version Ingame Server Browser>Filter>Host "99515" and you will find a lot of em.
  19. lappihuan

    DayZ 2017 - The Trailer - new arma2/dayz mod

    How about that: Remove the outlets and add 2 or 3 Fuel Trucks that are heavy damaged and have mabye 2k Fuel in it. So if you want to repair the Truck to 100% away you would need 8 Wheels 2 Engine (1 to Drive 1 to get fuel out of it) an lets say 8 scrap metal. If it's not 100% repaired with the scrap metal it would be a driving bomb ;) just som toughts :)
  20. lappihuan

    What am I doing wrong...

    How about joining a Server with 1.7.3? You joined a Server with 1.1.1 xD
  21. lappihuan

    Bullet Proof West

    What would you think about: A Bulletproof West, that you can find and is very rare. It takes the Backpack slot and the West have a little inventory like 4 or 6 slots. And the Bulletproof West is not a Ultra OP Armor, it just save your life if the shot hit's the west, Headshot would be Dead anyway. 50. Cal or mabey even a M24 would be able to hit you with less damage. Discuss :)
  22. lappihuan

    Stand alone "dragging/carrying wounded"

    Ok, mabye they could make it more Realistic. But now i would like to get my hands on Standalone, making such a thing (that already works) more Realistic, is part of Beta, not in Alpha ;)