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About Silenus01

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  1. Did you just admit that you server restarted to get your vehicles back? Besides that it's amazing that everyone who harms something of yours is suddenly a hacker when they have seen the items you have in your extreme camps on this now less than a week old server.
  2. You've used the phrase ad hominem wrong in so many posts. It refers to a personal attack. Ad hominem: Abusive ad hominem (also called personal abuse or personal attacks) usually involves insulting or belittling one's opponents in order to attack their claims or invalidate their arguments, but can also involve pointing out true character flaws or actions that are irrelevant to the opponent's argument. At least you learned a new word, but you've been such a jerk I can't even congratulate you on it.
  3. They weren't hosting it, it is hosted by some people at reddit.
  4. I'm not 100% sure how to submit it to support, but there is another thread where a player encounter an issue near identical and he posted it in server reporting. His issue was the admins banning him for taking a vehicle, and then them banning him on another cd key as well as the rest of the people he played with after they killed him. Thanks for your reply, DA. The image he had where he claims I hacked, I sent to him without him even asking for it, I had no idea the weapon was disallowed in the game prior to that.
  5. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/46844-hackers/#entry446536 Can't ban for having hacked items.
  6. See this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/64487-us1917-admin-abuse-have-gotten-several-reports/ For this admins other great behavior.
  7. At least there is someone else who sees the holes in the admins story. He backtracked and told me the weapon was fine after I told him how I acquired it, and I was only punished for having it after he had his vehicle destroyed. He logged off directly after his vehicle was destroyed to check the logs to see who blew it up so that he could "ban him". I have no issue with you having such an ego, I just find that having your ego and your false stories make you a poor admin. Nothing will come of the complaints. I do not know the posters who have defended me. You are just an egotistical man-child who takes his power over his server that you said you "could afford because you get money and are not a piece of shit like me". Have fun playing your game, on your server, where you can make a base and live out the fantasies of power you are denied in the real world. At least on the internet you won't get knocked out for insulting people, so you have some safe-haven. One of the server admins when I asked him why I was banned: YahWehPrime: "no, not the banning, the banning was not my doing, but if it were up to me, you would have been banned anyways for being a shitty person" Hey, you can ban players for being a shitty person. I wish I was an admin.
  8. I'm not talking to anyone in TS, nor am I disgruntled, or a hacker. Have your power trip. It doesn't really matter, no action will be taken against your server and you'll get to have your game where you are in control, where you can insult people and hoard whatever you'd like.
  9. I've not banded together with anyone, he simply sent me the info on TS to verify the same thing happened. You banned him unjustly and you know that much is true. I suppose paying for your server makes you feel like you have control in some little world. I'm glad that you have that, because obviously the real world hasn't been so kind to you if you must control a virtual world with such an iron fist.
  10. No you did not. I talked to this player via TS who sent me the same images he posted. I was also on talking to you when you told me you were banning him and you had a good laugh over the voting him off the island because he was a "hacker and took your items" of which you had no proof. Conveniently there was also a server restart right after I killed 2 people in Cherno.
  11. So your first ban was for someone trying to join your server after you restarted it to keep him from getting to the vehicle he killed someone for?
  12. Check back at any point throughout the day and see the same number of players.
  13. He didn't stop the server to see if I scripted the weapons, he disconnected and checked the logs to see who blew up his vehicle. I sent him the picture with the weapon and he said that was ok for me to have on his server since I didn't bring it in myself.
  14. You don't need a password when you can reset your server so many times to keep a max of 4 players on it.
  15. I'm recording their TS and idling while I get some other stuff done.