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Everything posted by asundertitan

  1. asundertitan

    Revenge at NWAF

    Some guys killed my friend at the tent city so I hunted them down.... This was on the Experimental branch by the way.
  2. asundertitan

    Revenge at NWAF

    They killed my friend at the tent city at NWAF and I followed them to the jail and then lost track of them and found them again lol.
  3. asundertitan

    New DayZ EndGame! Fight Club!

    Since there are currently no Vehicles and not a lot of endgame we have been forced to create our own endgame content! Come One Come All to the DayZ Electro Fight Club!
  4. asundertitan

    DayZ Jesus Cult I ran into

    Happen to run into these guys lol
  5. asundertitan

    DayZ Jesus Cult I ran into

    Hahahaha No Problem :)
  6. asundertitan

    New DayZ EndGame! Fight Club!

  7. asundertitan

    New DayZ EndGame! Fight Club!

    Lawl true story
  8. asundertitan

    New DayZ EndGame! Fight Club!

    Hahha we run the honor system. @OR3GONIZ3d Damn I talked....
  9. asundertitan

    DayZ Jesus Cult I ran into

    Oh yes its always entertaining running into these types of people :)
  10. asundertitan

    DayZ Jesus Cult I ran into

    Haha I don't think anyone was really trying to role play all that hard haha this would have been hilarious
  11. asundertitan

    700m Mosin Team Snipe!

    Thought some of you campers might enjoy this! haha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qG8MOnBOUAA&feature=c4-overview&list=UUj4kirjfAkANVhTJQ1_vA2Q
  12. asundertitan

    700m Mosin Team Snipe!

    Its the Long Range Scope for the Mosin. Haha yae the hackers are pretty annoying! Hopefully it will be fixed soon :) The Best kill is always a Revenge kill! :)
  13. After being hunted down by a hacker in Electro we make a final stand in electros church... I can't say it ends well... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyQHtorLCnc
  14. asundertitan

    Final stand against a hacker in the church....

    Definitely wasn't desync!
  15. asundertitan

    Final stand against a hacker in the church....

    Unfortunately we never found out his name. Hopefully he'll be caught soon!
  16. Me and my buddy got board right before going to bed so we drove a Fuel Ural from DayZ Overwatch off Cap Galova :) Hope you enjoy :)
  17. I'm new at making videos so any tips are appreciated :) Like and Subscribe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnVI9vp9otY
  18. asundertitan

    Sniping some Survivors in Cherno!

    Haha thanks for all the feedback! Patrick watched this video the other day and was pretty mad hahahaha. Ill have to keep that in mind Crazy one for next time ;)
  19. asundertitan

    So we drove a Fuel Ural off Cap Galova

    Blowing up the Ural and sniping him were both very well worth it :)
  20. asundertitan

    DayZ Overwatch Banditing

    Hey Everyone just thought I'd post a video I made of me hunting some people down on DayZ Overwatch. If you like it please subscribe to my channel http://www.youtube.com/user/AsunderTitan?feature=watch
  21. asundertitan

    Sniping some Survivors in Cherno!

    Haha thanks for the tip will definitely keep that in mind for next time dollon and thanks dabears :D
  22. Me and my friends made a roadblock near Otmel on "Ped Man" server check it out :)
  23. asundertitan

    Making a Roadblock along the coast!

    It's Donor gear not duping and I'll get a new mic soon sorry about that