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Posts posted by Manveer

  1. The loggingin /relogging thing sounds good, but it might be a little harsh in game. For example, right now, im having troubles updating to I join a game, it says i need the update, i leave, update, come back, and repeat. According to what you're are saying, my character would be killed for what i am doing.

    I think a good 30 second log out timer would be a good thing to do, like WoW or runescape. obviously this wont prevent the person you are see across cherno to run into a building and log out, but i think its enough.

    • Like 1

  2. I am now a bandit. I've had to kill an innocent to survive.

    My story: I had virtually no supplies. All i had was my mak with 5 shots, and i was starving and thirsty. I was in the forest following the coast line, when i read that some people are meeting up in Koma. I head there, and i see a guy looting some body. I sneak up behind him, go on those little elevated walk ways above the train tracks, and pop him 5 times. He went down immediatly, i took all his stuff, and i finally got my bandit skin.

    Do i feel bad? Of course. This guy, from the chat logs, was a nice person. I immediatly go on chat and tell him that i will help him once he respawns (without telling him that i killed him), but he had rage quit from the server already.

    I guess im one of you now. (Note, im not green. i've killed loads of bandits, and people in self defence. This was my first cold blood kill.)

  3. Date/Time: 19/05/2012

    Where were you: Near Komarovo

    What you were doing: Getting killed by a zombie.

    What happened: Unconscious ( or down, i dont know) with a hourglass that is not changing. Can not access menus, chat, etc. Can only close the game via task mananger or Altf4. I can not join any other server either, as the same problem persists.

    Only thing I can do is to wait for someone to find me and heal or kill, or beg devs to reset my account:

    Ingamename: Manveer

  4. Same thing is happening to me.

    Date/Time: 19/05/2012

    Where were you: Near Komarovo

    What you were doing: Getting killed by a zombie.

    What happened: Same as above. Can only close the game via task mananger or Altf4. I can not join any other server either, as the same problem persists.

    Only thing I can do is to wait for someone to find me and heal or kill, or beg devs to reset my account:

    Ingamename: Manveer
