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Wolli (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Wolli (DayZ)

  1. Wolli (DayZ)

    Dayz FPS

    even high end computer which costs way over 2k cant get over 30fps on some servers. did u try different private hives? most of the fps ure getting depends on the server peformance. the last 30-40% i would say depends on your cpu and gpu.
  2. Wolli (DayZ)

    How to fps boost?

    there are some command lines but i doubt they will give u more then 2 or 3 fps try this guide if nothing of this is working there wont be any option http://www.dayzpvp.com/ultimate-dayz-graphics-settings-and-tweaks-guide/
  3. Wolli (DayZ)

    How to fps boost?

    buy a gaming laptop or a proper desktop pc. u cant expect good fps if u dont have the hardware for it. its not like we can do some magic and suddenly u get 60fps. and if u already tried the common optimization tutorials or gamebooster there is no other option then buying a new pc
  4. Wolli (DayZ)


    one bean and half a mars bar
  5. Wolli (DayZ)

    Banned for Hacking?

    there u go then, its answer #2
  6. Wolli (DayZ)

    Banned for Hacking?

    its really simple actually. either u hacked or someone stole your key cause u tried to hack but failed to
  7. Wolli (DayZ)

    What is with my FPS?

    people dont get that most of the peformance is server side and the rest that isnt is unoptimized as fuck. some people with 3k$ pcs also only get 20fps. and until the standalone will fix this theres is nothing u can do about it except joining a good server
  8. Wolli (DayZ)

    PC help....again....

    there are many prebuilt pcs that are actually usable for gaming http://www.amazon.co...s=pc gtx 560 ti http://www.amazon.co...s=pc gtx 560 ti http://pc.ncix.com/n...383ACFC-4854100 http://www.newegg.co...N82E16883227436 http://www.newegg.co...N82E16883227441 http://www.newegg.co...N82E16883227443 all should run dayz fine with atleast 30-40 fps the higher the price the more fps u will get cause of a stronger gpu the one with the gtx 650 might be 25-30fps
  9. Wolli (DayZ)

    PC help....again....

    this pc is shitty as fuc* the gt 620 is completly useless for any kind of games power supply is probably bad too so if u want to upgrade the gpu u need a new psu too.these better office pcs are not worth anything except word and paint
  10. Wolli (DayZ)


    go to the website of the server which is usually inside the server name and search for whitelisting there. every private hive has its own whitelisting
  11. Wolli (DayZ)

    Really?? You have no idea how pissed I am

    yes, go search another private hive some got much custom shit just as unflipping vehicles
  12. Wolli (DayZ)

    upgrading pc parts

    if u are able to replace pc parts buy a intel core 2 quad q9559 which should fit in your socket right now. buy a decent gpu like a gtx 560ti /gtx 660 amd 7850/7950
  13. r u fückin kidding me, where do all these trolls come from
  14. Wolli (DayZ)

    Will my computer work

  15. Wolli (DayZ)

    Will my computer work

    5fps on ultra low settings
  16. Wolli (DayZ)

    Is this good enough to play dayz?

    i say 90% chance u can start up the game and get may be 5-10fps depends on your gpu not more
  17. Wolli (DayZ)

    Don't know what to plug into motherboard (Level 10 GT)

    here is the manual of your mb http://www.manualowl.com/m/Lenovo/IdeaCentre-K320/Manual/115749 on page 10 u can see the other layout but the exact definition of the parts on "part 8" the front panel connector is missing
  18. Wolli (DayZ)

    Don't know what to plug into motherboard (Level 10 GT)

    cant really figure out where the reset switch is located. its defnitly somewhere on the black box as the power on switch. same with the hdd led power led... all the little 1or2 pin adapters with the little text on them
  19. Wolli (DayZ)

    Don't know what to plug into motherboard (Level 10 GT)

    front usb (http://postimage.org/image/onskmocwb/) in the yellow box vertically fan connector(http://postimage.org/image/qw6r40k0b/) put it here (http://postimage.org/image/onskmocwb/) on the white little 3 pin connector where the black power cable touches your motherboard in the bottom right
  20. Wolli (DayZ)

    Don't know what to plug into motherboard (Level 10 GT)

    look in the manual of your motherboard as some might make it different and look how the power cable for the fron reset/power on button needs to be connected correctly or tell us what your motherboard is my guess would be the power switch needs to be placed on horizontal(according to the picture the black pin box in the bottom left(http://postimage.org/image/onskmocwb/)) on the last to pins, not the very last one where one misses
  21. Wolli (DayZ)

    Sniper. 900 metres, moving target

    as50 would defnitly one shot on 900m so that shit is just fake/ he didnt hit
  22. Wolli (DayZ)

    I can't register at AWA Private Hive!

    if he cant register how should he able to post threads in their forum xD
  23. Wolli (DayZ)

    Frame rate trouble!

    if u buy a sec 9800 im not sure your weak dual core will handle that and u canget more fps, the sli perormance is really good on new cards dont know about older ones like yours. (GTX680 sli gets about 98% usage on both cards)
  24. Wolli (DayZ)

    Arma 2, error: shader model 2 not supported anymore

    where do u live and how much would u pay?