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Everything posted by check.php

  1. Quick idea about all these that do not have b***s and quit during firefight. Why not, instead of disappearing from server, your body would look like sleeping? An everybody could access it? You got me? You do not disappear from server when you press disconnect/when your game closes etc. You just go to sleep. That means you can't exit during firefight because somebody just will get to you and shoot you in the head. That would also mean, you can't disconnect in the middle of Cherno with 40 people around thinking "hey, I'm safe!" You have to hide somewhere! Just like you hide your vehicles thinking "I hope nobody will find it" Worthy of discussion or building other idea at last?
  2. Cool server, haven't experienced any lags and no cheaters at passworded one. Some friendlies, few bandits, all carjackers :) Worth to check it!