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Everything posted by Moochie

  1. Hi, this will be the thread where I will be post any updates/modification that I do to the Canada 1 and 2 servers. Server are hosted in Montreal, Quebec. Canada 1 and 2 run on time zone GMT-4 Now Know as CA 10 and CA 11 Servers will be restarted every 8 hours! Hey guys I hate to push this but we need donations to keep our servers online. I cant afford to pay it all every month. Donators will get perks when I figure out what will be good for perks. If you enjoy our server please help them stay online with a kind donation by clicking here. Hosted by Moochie from www.Legend-Clan.net Teamspeak3 server: Voice.Legend-Clan.net http://cache.www.gam.../b_560_95_1.png http://cache.www.gam.../b_560_95_1.png
  2. I did updated it to and the latest Beta but I don't know why they are not working there is a issue somewheres and I can't find it, I tried but fail. So it is not a case of not having the common courtesy not to fix it, it is the fact that I would have to completely start from scratch and I do not have the time to do that.
  3. I kept the server updated and fixed for 2 months and didn't get any donations, only this last month did I let it go cause I lost interest in it and I left for vacation for 2 weeks with no computer. I asked for donations from the beginning and never got one so that is why I wont be running the servers anymore, if you can't understand that then continue to try to bring others down to your level.
  4. All the servers are run on the same Dedicated server box so it would be the same price for 1 or all 3
  5. Canada 1/2/3 AKA CAN 10/11/12 will be shut down very soon due to no financal support from the players, I can not afford to pay for these servers my self. There has not been 1 donation for the 3 month the servers have been running, if you guys would like to save the servers then we need $250 quickly, you can donate at www.Legend-Clan.net Moochie
  6. Cause they make us apply for servers now (only way to get server files now), kinda hard to explain but when we do this they give us our server names and "Canada" can't be used it has to be "CA" and there are 9 other servers in Canada that applied before us so we get 10 and 11, I am applying for 12 and 13 also cause our server can handle 2 more servers. If you want to see the new system you can see it at http://support.dayzmod.com
  7. Correction, We are running Beta 94876
  8. successfully updated to and Beta 94945
  9. If anyone can find me the 1.7.2 Server files then we can get this show on the road.
  10. Hey guys I hate to push this but we need donations to keep our servers online. I cant afford to pay it all every month. Donators will get perks when I figure out what will be good for perks.
  11. We can try, not sure if I have the files still, and not sure if I will have to change the beta version also, testing now.
  12. Can't find the 1.7.2 server files, I am guessing this is the issue cause everything else is updated. I also heard that there is a new hive but IDK. No help on forums for IRC and no response staff.
  13. Moochie

    Canada 1

    People like this just make me shake my head. Canada 1 did not get nuked, it got updated to 1.7.2 and not it is not working properly due to unknown issue, I am told this is not the only server having the issues and it is possibly a Hive issue.
  14. Yeah I see that, I am not sure why, everything is updated, I am trying to figure it out. Thanks for letting me know.
  15. The servers have been updated to 1.7.2 and Beta 94444
  16. Moochie

    Canada 1 - DCer

    If you have any issues with players like this please post them on our Canada 1/2 thread, I check it every day. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=8269 Thanks
  17. updated' date=' we just lost our brand new tent too. Farewell Bizon. Would like to know the cause of these loses. A tank trap i set up was removed too (as a marker for our tent.). This is seriously vexing ;(. Edit: The tent and bus are back, the new tent is gone (including the Bizon and 4 cooked meat) Checked the Tent, our AKS-74 Cobra is gone as well as alot of medical supplies, I assume we weren't raided due to the fact the bus still had it's items (and you know,wasn't gone.), so this has to be a bug. [/quote'] I do believe that this is DayZ issue, other servers are also having this issue.
  18. Hi, this will be the thread where I post about any updates/modification that I do to the Australia 5 server. Hosted in Sydney
  19. Sorry guys, I thought it was restarting every 4 hours but I looked earlier and it wasn't, thought I had it setup when we moved server but it was, but it is now and we are going to try every 8 hours. Please let me know if that help or if I have to bump it up to more often.
  20. now.. didn't know... Updating now. Updated to
  21. It is not turned off' date=' I guess a bug or connection issue is not spawning the, requires a server restart to fix. [/quote'] Strange, people on the server last night told me it was being used as a "Transport Server". I assume that means Zombies removed so it's easier to get where you want to go then log in on a normal server. I don't know who or why they were saying that but we do not support it.
  22. It is not turned off, I guess a bug or connection issue is not spawning the, requires a server restart to fix.