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Everything posted by pesce5279

  1. I was playing DayZ fine and then brought my whole pc over to a buddys to play. When i booted everything up and loaded dayz this is what i get now. Reinstalled and everything and still get it. Any ideas?
  2. I just wanna play dayz!!!
  3. Bump...Any help anyone?
  4. But everything else works fine. It's only this game so it couldnt be. or at least i dont think it couldnt.
  5. pesce5279

    Would you Abort if in Danger of death?

    There's only one correct answer...No. You quit out once you quit out again. Just don't do it or you'll end up making a habit of it.
  6. pesce5279

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    This is awesome! I can't wait to see how Rocket counters hackers and "ghosters". Should be interesting to watch this develop.
  7. pesce5279

    Banned on US 1647

    I killed the admin and his friends in a chopper and they reset the server and banned me. They also hack. :) So can i get a reversal on that?
  8. So me and my friend just got banned on Seattle 123 for finding their camp at pusto. When my buddy tries to join it says no hacking fool but we don't. I don't understand the point in playing this game if your just going to ban everyone that finds your camps. Also, it was me who killed you SOH goose in the woods next to pusto yesterday! I don't know what you were doing just rolling around in the woods but you didn't respond to my friendly so i had to do what i had to do. You guys are truly lame players for banning all these people. Sorry you camps and tents got posted publicly but deal with it in game. Don't be pansy's.
  9. pesce5279

    Banned on US 1647

    Then whats this ban appeal section used for? Dayz people themselves do't do anything about this?
  10. pesce5279

    Banned on US 1647

    Because it was fun and they do hack but i don't care. They do that aerial bombing thing but whatever. I made that server my home and i'll leave it when I want to not because an admin is scared of me.
  11. Hey there SOTC! Over the past week my RL buddies and I have been making our home on your server and I must say that this is THE MOST fun I've had in dayz so far. The all day battle we had on the island over that first heli was awesome (if you ignore the server restart and mortar scripting) ;) Then when you guys flew over me in Komarovo and I sniped out one of your guys and another died off as you flew away was a great solo experience for me and I didn't think it could get any better...UNTIL I tried to follow you and you came back towards me and I shot down the Heli killing the remaining two (by the way I dig how one of you tried to parachute out...valiant effort) But now as I sit here and wait for your server to come back online as I take it you did something out of frustration...I wonder if your having as much fun as I am. I look at this war between us as a great thing and hope this rivalry continues. We are good sports and don't mind the hacking but we ourselves do not use them just so you know. SEE YOU ON THE BATTLEFIELD! P.S. We tried to be friendly with you guys on the island but you shot our friend down instantly.
  12. pesce5279

    Team of 6 looking for more players!

    Im interested. Steam account is Monushka. Send me a message and ill respond with my skype name.