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Everything posted by ryandev00

  1. ryandev00

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    No mission file in the MPMissions for Livonia? How can we create a private server with Livonia?
  2. Hi All, Here's the command I use to launch: I see the server when I manually type in "Remote" inside of the server browser. I don't see any info for Country/Map/Type/Difficulty so I am assuming I am missing some files or my paths are wrong. I've checked so many times.. this has been a huge headache. Here's the image of what I see in the server browser: http://i.imgur.com/prR4V.jpg When I join the server, the MOTD loads and I get stuck on "Waiting for host:" http://i.imgur.com/HFmx0.png You can try yourself, connect to
  3. ryandev00

    New Server Signup and Ticket System

    Day 8, nothing.... I feel like a lost survivor in DayZ with no hope of rescue. :(
  4. ryandev00

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    Rocket, I doubt you will read this message but I sure hope you do. I can just feel the stress vibe from all of your posts. That's not healthy man! You stated your stance on server control. It is a good stance. Now, stick with it and brush off those who disagree or keep reiterating points that you have already made clear. Ignore them so you can focus on what is important for DayZ. I see you posting long-winded stuff because I think you are too nice of a guy and feel everyone has an opinion. They absolutely do but you need to pick your battles now that you have over a million people with opinions about all of your decisions. Now, on to some issues I saw you covered on: central server bottlenecking, server prioritization. If Bohemia is blocking your budget for hiring support staff/system admins and servers - I am very worried about the future of this project. There's gonna be a lot of pitchforking by the community, angry server owners, and massive delay on just about everything. Bohemia should be investing 99.999% of their resources into this project. Make it absolutely clear to them that those are your top priorities. Forget about hackers, bug fixes, and the standalone version for now. The central server should be able to handle the increasing load.. and be infinitely scalable. I know that's a daunting task but you seriously need to get some experienced experts on board that have done this shit before. Don't take this on as a new project. Don't let anyone try to scale this database if they have not done it before. Pay $1,000 an hour for the best in the business if you have to. Forgive me if I am wrong or made assumptions that are not true here. I own an online ad agency that pulls 100 million requests a month on 1TB of MySQL data and I just know how much of a pain in the ass scaling can be.
  5. ryandev00

    New Server Signup and Ticket System

    I am on day 6 now.. Can you guys seriously just hire someone for this? 6-8 days average is ridiculous.
  6. ryandev00

    New Server Signup and Ticket System

    Can someone help me out here? When your server has not yet been whitelisted and you try to connect do you guys get "Waiting for host" and then you see something like this: http://i.imgur.com/6CeHT.png Status stuck on "Creating" http://i.imgur.com/CmISK.jpg Just want to make sure I am not configuring the server wrong. :P
  7. ryandev00

    New Server Signup and Ticket System

    Been waiting 3 days now.. seems a bit sluggish :)
  8. ryandev00

    Stuck in Prone

    I logged into the server in prone position. When I stand up or crouch and try to walk anywhere (no matter the direction) I am instantly proned again.
  9. You should add the fact that new servers will not work at all and get stuck on "Creating" until whitelisted.
  10. Now I am getting the error:
  11. Does this have to do with whitelisting? I submitted my server and it has not been approved yet.
  12. The "status" in the server browser has been stuck on "Creating."