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About kurt23

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  1. kurt23

    Porting Dayz to a new map ?

    i already have the island that im using just playing around with it in the editor the hard part for me will be adapting the spawns ect i have changed sawns around on my private server suing the hive and some world spaces but i assume this is much different
  2. kurt23

    Porting Dayz to a new map ?

    i already now of all the new islands this is not the point of my thread the point of it was to find out what files needed to b moved over and how they needed to be edited
  3. kurt23

    Porting Dayz to a new map ?

    its actually the island tasmaina here in australia :) im messing with some stuff now trying to do it already have the island and what not cant wait to get editing but still confused on how to get the dayz files to work with it ill keep trying and teaching myself along the way though i love doing stuff like this
  4. kurt23

    Porting Dayz to a new map ?

    i have my own private hive server buddy this is what im making the map for or at least trying knowing chernarus like the back of your hand is quite boring and i have played around with most other maps also
  5. Hi so im wondering does anyone have any knowledge on porting the Dayz mod to a new map Rocket said himself that the mod is modular and it take about 1 hr of work i have already messed around with modding arma and have a basic knowledge of stuff i guess but i can not find anything anywhere about how to port the mod to a new map so does anybody know anything that might help ? i would really love to give this a try ??
  6. yes i dont mind getting scanned and stuff i go on that server because it has a really low ping as it loacated close to me but what did it find wrong and how do i fix it ?
  7. what part of i didnt CHEAT dont you understand you arsehole im asking what the restriction means because i have no idea i installed the game through steam downloades six launcher it installed dayz and i played no cheating what so ever ffs
  8. obviously if i was cheating i wouldnt have asked why i got kicked i haven't cheated at all i had the game all of 2 days and im not going to waist 30 dollars for 5 mins of glorified cheating and get banned am i ?
  9. so i bought arma 2 on steam yesterday and iv een playing for about 3 hours on ANZ 1 when all of a usdden i got kicked for script restriction #185 what does this mean ?? im a bit worried