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Everything posted by Xandariel

  1. Xandariel

    My most annoying DayZ bug!

    you dead?
  2. Xandariel

    The game needs nametags

    Oh hell no, boy. This was one of the biggest immersion breakers in the mod and like others said, it made it completely pointless to move in treelines etc as one would always see your nametag. Having nametags on 10-20m is pointless too because by then you already have voice/direct text chat. Besides, if youre playing with friends youll well be able to remember wtf they look like unless you got the memory of a goldfish. So yeah, no. Just no.
  3. Xandariel

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    Best Troll Ever I probably had more fun reading the pointless troll discussions than the OP but whatever... Had a good laugh. :D
  4. Same issue here. G35 aswell. Everything is on standard setting except for sound sources. Thats put up to 128. Not running any programs, only the driver for it.
  5. Xandariel

    Teletubbies in Dayz?

  6. Xandariel

    [suggestion] drinking your own piss

    This thread made me lol so hard...
  7. Xandariel

    I got killed by a server hopper

    That doesnt actually always help. Friend and me ran around NE AF the other day, were just looting the prison next to the rc tower and the server restarted. Since we remembered which server we were on, we jumped back in mere 30sec after it had restarted when suddenly, as we logged in, 3 other guys(who havent been there before) were just looting the place. xD Most awkward situation Ive had in the alpha so far. But yeah, survived - both of us did. And all 3 of the hoppers died that day. Was a good day. Worst part is, we spawned in next to one of them and he just didnt care about the reload until it was too late for him. Dunno what the fuck he was doing all that time. But I guess these guys will listen for reloads from now on. ^^
  8. Xandariel

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    The wall glitching needs to be fixed. This is a serious issue. ^^ I found myself in a firefight yesterday, got trapped in the prison building at the NE AF and glitched through the wall into the corridor where some ppl where waiting - just like that, didnt move at all. Survived, just to glitch through a wall in a 2 story house later on and fall out and die with a character thats been 2 weeks old. :/ Was kind of expecting to die soon, but seeing the same glitch twice on the same day, while friends keep getting it every now and then too is just alarming. This should probably get fixed before beta.
  9. Xandariel

    [SA]WeaponZ Survey

    Why would you want an AT rifle in this game? Doesnt really make sense, especially if you wont let ppl zero and sight it. lol
  10. Xandariel

    [SA]WeaponZ Survey

    Way to go devs, nice. :)
  11. Xandariel

    Books, books books!!

    Nice idea. As of now, books are pretty useless. I mean I like that they put the originals like moby dick inside and that they are(afaik) the full books, but srsly there needs to be a practical use for them. This idea would actually make sense. Because as of now I completely ignore books and dont even pay attention as to what book it is. If they could provide useful information I could carry them around and always read them when taking a food break etc, You got my beans, man.
  12. What do you do about steam chat? Or tabbing out, using other chats? Ppl will always find means to communicate outside of the game - the only thing you can do is making it rather inconvenient for them to use, thats all.
  13. Im all for introducing 1st person only. After playing ArmA3 on a really nice 1st person only server for a while I came to love it. Before, I used to hate 1st person. But it makes for very tense and good combat situations. I see 2 problems though, currently. 1. If you got a big backpack and you look back using your numpad, you see nothing but the backpack -> needs to be looked at. 2. First person is useful only when others cant use third person. As much as I love first person, I still use third person at the moment as Id be at a major disadvantage otherwise.
  14. Gotta bind it to a key under settings. Its called "taunt" under "interactions"
  15. Xandariel

    How to not be killed on sight

    You vastly misunderstood or misinterpreted my post/s or didnt read them all(properly). Firstly, if I was to be so attached to my gear as you claim. Would I run around in cherno with friends, just walking(and I mean WALKING) on the streets like badasses just for the sake of it? Would we run around with clear intent to get killed, so we can start over? Would we really search for players to steal blood from in one of the biggest high traffic areas on the map with some pretty nasty sniper spots from the mod and alot of backyards where hostiles can hide in? I think you can answer this one yourself... Secondly, sandbox? Minecraft is a sandbox game where you literally can do whatever the fuck you want, without real restrictions or intentions by the devs or the game or anything. Dayz is a zombie survival game. Sure, there is a certain sandbox aspect about it but that one only goes as far as that you can set your own, personal goals. The ultimate goal of a survival game is always to survive. Which leads me to the next one you clearly misunderstood. I wasnt spending most of my time being a bandit. I was spending most of my time running around in the woods, avoiding high traffic areas and only going to places like the airfields when it was dark. Ran in and out as fast as humanly possible and disappeared in the woods again. A bandit would actively look for ppl to kill or rob. We actively sought to avoid any contact with others cause we knew it would end in someone dying. When we met armed ppl ofc we shot them because with the general KoS mentality of dayz mod we wouldve been dead otherwise. We never ever touched unarmed ppl or new spawns. Simply ignored them or told them to go away and mind their own business cause we didnt trust them as far as to give them gear, since they probably wouldve turned out to rob our camp or shoot us the moment they get that weapon. This is different right now in the SA, FOR NOW. So, a guy camping cherno mall with a dinnerbell when you run in unarmed as a new spawn is bias at work cause I shouldve just starved instead of looking for food? A guy camping the Industrial building/silo in cherno with a sniper, picking off freshly spawned ppl who were just trying to grab a drink in cherno and then run off are bias at work? You clearly either want to misunderstand me or youre one of them and just looking for an excuse man... And Mcroadkill. I dont know. It was just a thought. I cant really think of a proper system that would work, since all of them would require you to be online to actually defend something. And thats where the problems come in. Thats why I said it might not be a good idea afterall, even though it sounds pretty good in my head when I only think about it a little and not too much in detail.
  16. Also, when using a flashlight indoors it is shining through walls, giving away your position to anyone around cause it basically lights up half of the wall. Very big issue if you want to stay mostly hidden. Right now players are stuck either exposing themelves, using crappy flashlights - using gamma pussy hax(not really hax but you know...) - or being absolutely blind if its cloudy. I can understand why some ppl hate night time and switch servers, even though I am a big fan of night time and I am not supportive of switching servers just because its night. In most cases I end up switching too though cause theres nothing going on anymore when its dark. Everyone left. Takes away the threat of getting killed anywhere(except for barracks ghosters) and pretty much leaves you with no player interaction at all. So right now, with zombies being almost non-existant and no threat, night time play is very boring as everyone leaves and youre basically running around on an empty map with tons of loot all for yourself. :/
  17. Xandariel

    What about eh cease fire of 24-25 december?

    Zombies dont believe in god. So no christmas for ya. Sry bro.
  18. Xandariel

    Ragdoll physics?

    Even more than ragdolls we need ppl to fucking drop down to the ground when they are dead/unconscious. And they must not move. We lost a friend last night cause a ghoster shot him from upstairs in the little military building with prison cell at green mountain. He was unconscious and we managed to bandage him. Wanted to give him a saline bag after we dealt with the aggressor, but the guy just killed our friend cause he was standing still, just standing. Even though he was fucking unconscious. xD Another day we had someone fall unconscious while moving, the guy fell over and started sliding. Couldnt give him meds cause his body kept moving. So he ended up dying, while slowly but steady floating into the ocean. ^^ After they fixed that, sure Im all up for ragdolls, as long as we dont fly 3m far if someone unloads a shotgun into us. :P
  19. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/157661-third-person-view-removal-from-sa-discussion/ :)
  20. Xandariel

    I Am Now Witnessing My First Rainfall In Game

    That looks quite nice. Alot better than the mod in any case. Sweet. :)
  21. Considering the time it took for ArmA3 I go with June/July 2014. Maybe a tiny bit later.
  22. Xandariel

    THE DAYZ WISH LIST (From the Community to the Devs)

    More variety in changing weather. Possibly seasons.
  23. Since the SA is using parts of the ArmA3 engine, why not just implement the dynamic lighting system of ArmA3? It is literally never pitch black at night. You always see something. Sometimes not much, but you see something. And by turning gamma up alot you mostly just end up screwing your picture up, more than it helps. I think simply using the ArmA3 lighting and removing Gamma from the game completely(or only have it range very little so different screens can still be adjusted) would fix the entire issue.
  24. Xandariel

    How to not be killed on sight

    Ive tried all different kinds of playstyles in the mod, except for massive interaction with others(though ive tried to be a hero for a short time). I know how it feels to be a sniper who shoots just for the lulz of it and I understand why some ppl KoS. Your everyday cod experience wont even come close to the adrenaline you get when you finally spotted your target and youre about to shoot or when you camp in a bush and suddenly you get the feeling another sniper is watching you/somebody is behind you. Really really scary shit. I doubt cod will make up for that, unless youre a real cod nerd who doesnt really like dayz because of its realism in bulletdrop etc. I understood what you meant by a group of "carebears" walking around the map, killing deathmatchers. But the question as to how they will identify them without getting killed themselves first still remains unanswered, unless the devs believe its a good idea to put bandit skins back in, which I dont believe they will and which I hope they wont(since its a waste of the new clothing system). Theres no way to identify KoS'ers until they shoot you. And usually when someone takes a shot, he makes sure that the shot hits the target. See, a safezone would be something cool. Some new part of the map where youll have a military camp(without military grade loot) with some npc soldiers who are killable but will just swarm you with sheer numbers if you shoot into the compound/at them/at someone inside. On the other hand, you could just go kill someone infront of it, then retreat to the safezone and log out. So yeah, probably not really the best idea now that I think about it again. Bringing another MMO into this might be good for some examples. But going over to actually making suggestions to convert a feature from one game into another or even comparing both games goes too far in my opinion. I think youre starting to mix apples and pears here. I dont believe that would be the best way to go to be honest. A clan war sounds cool as hell. But how are you gonna implement that? So, 2 clans walk up to each other in a forest cause they randomly find each other, talk and find out they are both clans. Suddenly a magic sign appears out of nowhere asking them if they want to declare beef on each other and if they both agree they just get matched up against each other or what? xD It would be cool if a group of ppl could "claim" a town and ppl would fight over towns then etc. Or if, indead of underground bases, you could change the landscape a little and create small villages and then youll fight over them. But I dont honestly see that happening as cool as it sounds. We should probably leave those fights to the ArmA series aswell tbh. Sounds badass but might not fit a zombie apocalypse too well. Not sure.
  25. Xandariel

    Weapon and Ammunition Rarity (Discussion)

    Weapons have to be more rare. Its not good for gameplay if you find a gun in literally every second house. Make it super rare to find a pristine m4 or ak and make them, like OP said, hard to maintain in a good state. Make it hard to repair them once they break(they shouldnt just vanish but just stop working until you fix them). Pistols can be more common. Not as common as an axe but common enough to find one within your first 2-3 hours of playing. The ammo however, has to be even rarer than weapons. I dont want every higher grade weapon to be as rare as the former as50 and its anti material nato rounds, dont get me wrong. But having an m4 with the rarity it had in the mod, I fear, will kill alot of the tension in staying alive, especially if they manage to pull off the 10000 moving entities theyre aiming at. Make ammo really scarce so your choice to shoot that player matters. You wanna shoot him point blank without wasting tons of mags or you want to get him with good aim. What you dont wanna do is shooting every single zombie in a town, then running into a firefight with 5 others you attracted by shooting and simply going to get more ammo 5min after you got out of that fight. That will just ruin immersion, the survival aspect and will lead to more kos.