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Posts posted by chaosvernon122

  1. I feel honored that you made an account just to flame me. There are 1000 other servers I can play on. But you called it. I'm butthurt because a corrupted admin banned me. An admin who rerolled the sever when I found his stockpile the first time, then banned me and rerolled the second time.

    Honestly I posted this in the wrong section. It should've been in Server Abuse as I could care less if I ever get unbanned for this server. There are plenty others to play on without butthurt admins.

  2. So I noticed I still had the game minimized sitting at the select a sever screen entered 1662 to find that its back up. I'm still on my hill and I see a bus driving off north like way the hell off the map into the distance. I can't keep up with a bus so theres no way I'm gonna wonder around lost in no mans land so I run down the hill to the camp. As I had assumed all the tents had been fattened. (At that time I figured it was someone who read this thread) When I had first seen it from a distance I thought there were only a dozen tents. Man was I wrong o.O There were dozens of them. The occupants seemed to have left in a hurry as there were cans of beans and water bottles scattered around the area. So I make my way back to my hill trying to think of what to do next while searching the horizon for signs of where they might have relocated when I seen this guy just running towards me on foot. After checking the range (600) I fire, my first shot way off. I forgot to adjust for him running. It takes 3 more to take him down. And I find out his name is "SumBeach", Sumbeach wasn't very geared ;/ But it at least gave me the direction he was running from. So I took off. After wondering around lost I spot the top of a bus then run around to a hill kinda west of it. Thats when I see this guy http://i.imgur.com/6Q5pp.jpg Wish I remembered his name now. It was like "sgt. gogo". I stand up and use my binoculars and see what appears to be the top of a fucking helicopter! I run down that hill and start to run up the next when... http://i.imgur.com/PsIX1.jpg

    And now the server is down again! Must just be a coincidence. So Yeah I found some Admins stockpile. Don't play on server 1662

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  3. Tonight I was at the north eastern airfield making my way north to check the boundaries of the map. Past experiences have taught me this is a good place to find tents or vehicles. As I was running up a large hill I could hear vehicales in the distance slowly getting closer. So I found a pine tree to hide in and after a few minutes they stopped at the top of the hill I was climbing. I thought It best not to run in all guns a' blazing and climbed back down the hill spending the next 20 mins running around the base looking for a better vantage point. I eventually found a barren hill (yay no trees ~.~) that overlooked their campsite. http://i.imgur.com/VULbQ.jpg Once I crawled to a point where I could see I pulled up my binoculars to realize I had stumbled upon a clans stockpile. Easily a dozen tents along the tree line. I could see a few ATV & a Ural. I counted 7 players. Most of them were running to the vehicles then to a tent I assume going through loot. A couple others appears to be afk.

    It seemed like a good time as any. I checked the range just under 400. I waited until one of the guys who's been activly running around came to a stop then took my shot. Quickly moving to the next person standing still I fired again. At that point they've realized whats going on and the panic starts. I kill another guy who looks like hes trying to bandage a friend. -Reload- I feel sorry for the next guy who was still AFK didn't even see it commig ^_^ My surprise attack is over and now I'm left searching for movment. Not 30 seconds later I've lost connection to the server....

    And the server is still down ~.~ Kinda makes me wonder if one of the players was a server admin who pulled the plug when I murdered him & his friends.

    This is their exact location if anyone wants to check it out when server 1662 comes back up. http://i.imgur.com/Y3Lu1.jpg

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