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About chaosvernon122

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  1. That made me LoL. The scripts will be removed from stand alone. So no more dropping a nuclear bomb and killing everyone on the server, no more spawning ammo crates or teleport other players. But there will always be ESP & Aim bots.
  2. chaosvernon122

    (Rocket) Why are we logging in on the coast

    This happend to me & a friend last night. We logged out in Solnichniy because the server was getting dark. On the next server I was in Krustoy Cap and he was all the way over in fucking Kamenka. Where we spent the next 2 hours trying to meet up :/
  3. Correct. You just need Arma 2 + Operation Arrowhead. It doesn't matter if you buy them seperate or togeather in the Combined operations Combo pack.
  4. chaosvernon122

    Hacked Clothing

    Sever admins are not suppose to ban you for just having hacked in items on you, but that doesn't stop them from doing it.
  5. chaosvernon122

    Banned US 1662

    I feel honored that you made an account just to flame me. There are 1000 other servers I can play on. But you called it. I'm butthurt because a corrupted admin banned me. An admin who rerolled the sever when I found his stockpile the first time, then banned me and rerolled the second time. Honestly I posted this in the wrong section. It should've been in Server Abuse as I could care less if I ever get unbanned for this server. There are plenty others to play on without butthurt admins.
  6. chaosvernon122

    I think I killed an admin...

    Once you get to the edges of the map its barren like that.
  7. chaosvernon122

    I think I killed an admin...

    Its because the server is down. http://arma2.swec.se/server/data/141405
  8. chaosvernon122

    Banned US 1662

    I started a thread in the Bandits forum today talking about somes base I found. It was kind of a vent thread because the server went down not 30 seconds after I killed the last person. It ended a few hours later with me getting banned. I think I found some admins stockpile. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/64326-i-think-i-killed-an-admin/
  9. chaosvernon122

    I think I killed an admin...

    So I noticed I still had the game minimized sitting at the select a sever screen entered 1662 to find that its back up. I'm still on my hill and I see a bus driving off north like way the hell off the map into the distance. I can't keep up with a bus so theres no way I'm gonna wonder around lost in no mans land so I run down the hill to the camp. As I had assumed all the tents had been fattened. (At that time I figured it was someone who read this thread) When I had first seen it from a distance I thought there were only a dozen tents. Man was I wrong o.O There were dozens of them. The occupants seemed to have left in a hurry as there were cans of beans and water bottles scattered around the area. So I make my way back to my hill trying to think of what to do next while searching the horizon for signs of where they might have relocated when I seen this guy just running towards me on foot. After checking the range (600) I fire, my first shot way off. I forgot to adjust for him running. It takes 3 more to take him down. And I find out his name is "SumBeach", Sumbeach wasn't very geared ;/ But it at least gave me the direction he was running from. So I took off. After wondering around lost I spot the top of a bus then run around to a hill kinda west of it. Thats when I see this guy http://i.imgur.com/6Q5pp.jpg Wish I remembered his name now. It was like "sgt. gogo". I stand up and use my binoculars and see what appears to be the top of a fucking helicopter! I run down that hill and start to run up the next when... http://i.imgur.com/PsIX1.jpg And now the server is down again! Must just be a coincidence. So Yeah I found some Admins stockpile. Don't play on server 1662
  10. Tonight I was at the north eastern airfield making my way north to check the boundaries of the map. Past experiences have taught me this is a good place to find tents or vehicles. As I was running up a large hill I could hear vehicales in the distance slowly getting closer. So I found a pine tree to hide in and after a few minutes they stopped at the top of the hill I was climbing. I thought It best not to run in all guns a' blazing and climbed back down the hill spending the next 20 mins running around the base looking for a better vantage point. I eventually found a barren hill (yay no trees ~.~) that overlooked their campsite. http://i.imgur.com/VULbQ.jpg Once I crawled to a point where I could see I pulled up my binoculars to realize I had stumbled upon a clans stockpile. Easily a dozen tents along the tree line. I could see a few ATV & a Ural. I counted 7 players. Most of them were running to the vehicles then to a tent I assume going through loot. A couple others appears to be afk. It seemed like a good time as any. I checked the range just under 400. I waited until one of the guys who's been activly running around came to a stop then took my shot. Quickly moving to the next person standing still I fired again. At that point they've realized whats going on and the panic starts. I kill another guy who looks like hes trying to bandage a friend. -Reload- I feel sorry for the next guy who was still AFK didn't even see it commig ^_^ My surprise attack is over and now I'm left searching for movment. Not 30 seconds later I've lost connection to the server.... And the server is still down ~.~ Kinda makes me wonder if one of the players was a server admin who pulled the plug when I murdered him & his friends. This is their exact location if anyone wants to check it out when server 1662 comes back up. http://i.imgur.com/Y3Lu1.jpg