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Everything posted by Koltonlp95

  1. Koltonlp95

    Looking For a Clan

    Hey guys im 17 and looking for a decent Bandit clan to play with i love messing with and killing people and would love to join a group of mature bandits... i live in the US
  2. Hey guys Ive been playing dayz for over a month but most of its been by myself... im 17 and live in Texas, I have a mic and Ts3, I am great and finding gear and sniping... Currently i have a Ghille suite and camo clothing, for weapons i have a As50,Akm,and revolver i also have rangefinder, nvg, map, gps, and a few other things... I love a good thrill of killing someone and im very loyal.
  3. Steam Username: Silent_122 Age: 17 You must have a mic: yes but its not of the best quality Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: yes already have it Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? yes... they were unorganized and didn't agree with each other Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: none you did great on explaining everything in the thread Other Comments: i do have a job and my playing time will be limited..