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About wh33t

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  1. I just thought I'd let the authors know that I and my crew have stopped playing the game until further notice when the game is stand alone and such. I still wish the devs the best of luck and look forward to seeing how they solve all these issues. *unsubbed*
  2. A) That's true, but hackers wrecking a game that I've paid for forces/encourages one to find ways to enjoy the investment. Last time I checked, it was on the Authors of the software to fix hackers, not the community. So until the time comes around that everything is stable and secure doesn't it only seem fitting that people are going to find ways around the issues? One of those work-arounds is the private server packages. That's all I'm getting at and I'm really just voicing my concern for the future of the game. A lot of friends that I've gotten into the game think it's something that could be quite special in the long run, but get frustrated with the hacking, server crashing etc. I'll remind them that is Alpha and they all say the same thing "So what did I pay for then?" and that's a good question. The answer of course is that they spent money on a game that isn't finished and that they can't enjoy. So until that time comes around, expect the people who pay for the servers and literally permit the game to operate to do as they please as long as they can get away with it. B) Yes, I think we all get that there isn't any "forcing" of any kind going on here. But if it's expected that the server costs that "literally make the entire game function" is shifted onto the community isn't it reasonable to expect that they get a say in how the server should operate? Once again I'm referring to the future of the game. If these rules that are in place are set in stone then how the game prosper into the future if the bugs and security holes aren't fixed? Do you understand what I'm getting at? Imagine yourself buying a car that is in Alpha. Sometimes it runs, sometimes it doesn't. It's easy for people to break into the car and take your shit etc. Wouldn't you as the investor in the car wise up and go... hrm... if I'm not free to mod the car to suit my needs then why wouldn't I just get a different car that does? So people either mod the car and break the rules, or they stop supporting the car manufactuer. So my concern is that the game won't get to reach it's potential if there isn't some flexibility for the time being. C) I never bought a server as I don't agree with the rules of hosting one.
  3. Aye, that's along the same lines as my thinking. Hackers wreck everything.
  4. The money we spend to host the servers and buy the game which permits the authors to have a game to write. Like I mentioned before, what is encouraging people to put out this extra cash for these servers which "literally make up the game"? Like I also mentioned before, I'm confident a solution can be reached and look forward to it but I don't see how the system the way it is now is sustainable.
  5. I'm not just referring to the banning of hackers but what about the reset of the items that may have been lost? That's tough to do on a global hive. Let's also not forget the kicking of members to make room for the people who actually pay for and provide the server altogether. I really don't think that kind of server set up is sustainable. I really think something will have to change. As the game grows, so will the hacker base. There has to be something in the set up that encourages people to want to pay for their own server. I'm not sure what it is right now.
  6. Yes, just like how the authors understood that in making a mod for Arma II would require their player base to have Arma II.
  7. After spending probably 20 or so hours with this mod I am forming some pretty strong conclusions. Something significant will change in the way this game operates. Either the game is patched and the obvious holes that allow 12 year old script kiddies and the like to completely destroy a server or they relax the rules and allow admins and server owners to deal with the hackers and their own server as they please. I'm surprised at how much I personally want to ignore the rules of server hosting, so much to the point that I've now done less than an hour of research on how to set up my own private hive+server and achieved it. It's astonishingly easy and that really sucks if the authors of the game don't want this kind of thing happening, but I'm quite confident it will be more and more common until the issues get fixed. While we didn't pay for DayZ, we did pay for Arma II. So in many regards I don't feel like it's justifiable that the community is expected to pick up the financial burdern of hosting game servers while the authors of the game dictate how you're supposed to host it. There is lots of solutions though and I look forward to any of them being implemented in time. Just my two cents.
  8. Haha, I understand. Thanks for your help anyways.
  9. Ahh Ok. So where do I get the mysql database structure and such?
  10. wh33t

    How do I create a DayZ private server?

    I know what you mean. The support community isn't very supportive yet either but we have to be patient. It's just a mod in it's infancy. I'm on the same mind track as you. I want my own private Hive and World together on a machine that I explicitly control that isn't linked in anyway to the central Hive. I want it passworded so friends and I can explore the world together with out worrying about BS admins and hackers.
  11. So is that a yes? That's what the Hive is? I just need Arma II, the expansion, the DayZ mod and Mysql and I can set this up?
  12. Is the "hive" the database of player positions, inventories, items etc? If so how does one set that up.
  13. Wouldn't a lot of these issues been solved if you permitted servers to either use a local database versus using the global database? That way you can have global db servers that follow the kick rules, no passwords etc. But then for people who want to just enjoy the game with their buddies let them have their own server config and db. That way people can't accumulate rocket launchers and tanks in their own private servers and then launch attacks on the publics. How about it?
  14. Hey DayZ Community, Some friends and I were thinking about pitching together on a server but I'm quite hesitant about doing this for a few reasons. The supposed rules about hosting a server seem a bit bogus to me. For example, if the server is full is it true that I'm now allowed to kick anyone to make room for myself? That seems absolutely ludicris. Someone please clarify for me. I'm also curious if it's possible to have a separate non-official database so that our server is "our" server entirely. Alas and finally, is there any security updates coming out soon to deal with all of these hackers? I sure hope so.