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About Grant2600

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  1. Hey guys, I have been running my server for a few dayz now and got a bit of traffic but not as much as I’d expect, I couldn’t see any more players in the player_data database so I assumed that no one else had tried to join. However I looked inside the serverlog file and found that infact a lot more players had been trying to join but being instantly disconnected, then I realised that server log doesn’t give me any details as to why they disconnected, so theres a possibility that they just clicked disconnect but I find it hard to believe that so many players would join and then change their mind instantly on the login screen. I had a friend attempt to join before but something was up with the signing keys, when he joined through dayz launcher it worked fine. In total I’ve had about 8 people successfully join and play and about 20-30 join and instantly leave. In the server log when I look to the point at which the friend was disconnected because of the keys I can see that it says the exact same information as for other people who successfully joined and disconnected normally, this is how I suspect there is no way to tell on the server log if someone was removed because of file or version problems. Server details if you’d like to attempt to join and report the outcome: It’s running Epoch Any help is much appreciated
  2. Dayz Epoch Chernarus. or search: [uK] Dayz Epoch - DeployBike/Missions/Chernarus ( Missons - Varying difficulties - Good for players looking for a challenge DeployBike Safe Zones 24/7 4 hour restarts UK based server but all welcome. Friendly and helpful admins. PM for more details or suggestions. Note: This IS a UK based server, Game tracker however seems to think it's in the US, no proxy is being used.
  3. Hey guys, I have an issue on my server where if someone changes the skin of their player where ever they are, all of their stats are reset and their backpack emptied, I understand this is because of a new character model/unit that is created for them and the function that is responsible for this is supposed to return a characterID for that model, however this function must error and return before it gets a chance to do this because when the player relogs they are reverted back to the point at which they changed their skin indicating that after this point in time, the player was no longer updating because characterID was returning 0. I located this in my RPT file: 0:32:47 "ERROR: Cannot Sync Character Grantz as no characterID" I am also unable to find the file player_switchModel.sqf I found multiple threads on the internet reporting the same issue but no fixes were discovered. However other servers running the same versions as me must have a fix because the bug is not present Does anyone have a fix for this issue? Thanks guys
  4. Hey, we are looking for more people to come join our clan on our new server - UK 15658 Chernerus ( Whether or not you are interested in joining the clan or staying alone that's fine. The server is based around the old classic dayz, no extra mouse scroll options or arma II only items, just a basic load out to get you going and a few extra vehicles around the map. 3DP: ON CH: ON Side Chat: ON We are strong against hackers and so far have no record of any hacks on the server. Only restart 3 times a day.
  5. Current in game name: Steam name is Grant2600 or [email protected] Location: UK Age: 18 How long have you played DayZ: 6 months Preferred voicechat software(s): Teamspeak, Skype, Steam Preferred Position/Role: Medic, Sniper, Zombie reduction Reason for wanting to join this group: Playing solo gets gets repetitive, working as a squad especially a tactical one is very appealing. Can you bring anything unique to this group: Experience from being in former mature level tactical squads of dayz Weaknesses: Univercity, quite a lot of deadlines, however I am still left with a healthy amount of free time to play with. Internet connection doesn't seem to be too bad where I am. But not amazing. Other: I have previously been a part of very serious groups playing dayZ, and enjoy playing maturely, but also to have fun aswell at times. Playing efficiently and accomplishing difficult tasks with a group of other players is what I find most fun in dayZ.
  6. Grant2600

    Demon Voice???

    Hey guys I was wondering if anyone knew how to speak with a demon voice in dayZ, I understand its some sort of voice modifier that you have to use with your mic or something, Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions on which software to use. In case your not sure what I'm talking about here's a funny vid: www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWLRAuz6iiE Thanks guys :)
  7. Grant2600

    Question for PRO bandits

    Thanks guys I'll definitely be using this information on my next PvP session :) Thanks again. PS: one more question. What's the first thing you do when you are in the middle of a large town and you hear a gunshot nearby but you know that it was not directed at you? Because I've been in two situations like that recently, died once and almost the second time when I tried to locate and confront the shooter.
  8. Grant2600

    Question for PRO bandits

    Thanks man, yeah there are definitely a few things in there I didn't take into account I'll use these on my next hunt. I also done some looking around on youtube for some videos and found a few good ones so I thought I'd share them with you guys. Some are pretty funny and some just cruel: www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAi8H4Hd4II www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZoMKkfDckY Thanks again and I was also wondering what kind of sniper you use, I mean what would be the best for PVP in your opinion, I've been seeing loads of people with DMR's, but then the AS50 is more powerful and makes less sounds although I understand that its more rare. :)
  9. Hey, I'm sort of getting bored of hoarding supplies and weapons and thought I'd try a bit of PVP, but can anyone give me any tips or strategies on PVP, I though of sniping around cherno or electro or just running around cherno with an assault rifle but i'm interested in what other people have to say about it. What is a good server population level to go on when hunting? What buildings are good to hold up in (if any)? Thanks :)
  10. I just successfully completed a trade with him without any troubles, we met up just north or cherno just off the road where we traded the items and then split up without attracting any attention from other players or zombies. Glad to see there are actually honest players in this game :)
  11. I am looking to trade 2 x M4A3 CCO rifles and 1 x FN FAL rifle with 3 mags for 2 Ghillie suits, please reply to this thread or contact commandogrant21 on steam if you are interested, thanks.
  12. I am looking to trade 2 x M4A3 CCO rifles for 2 Ghillie suits, please reply to this thread or contact commandogrant21 on steam if you are interested, thanks.