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About GGNL

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  • Gender
  • Location
    The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Shooting zombies

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  • Bio
    19yo male from holland, student animator
  1. I recently found an item on Namalsk called "Broken NV" The icon looks just like NVG's but it has the red icon on it just like an empty water bottle. How can i repair it? It doesn't activate nightvision when I press N Thx, GGNL
  2. GGNL

    An Apology

    You will go in jail for this. You are a horrible person.
  3. GGNL


    EEK! Two swamp monsters!! Oh, No they are just two snipers ha! EEK! Two snipers!!
  4. GGNL

    Never Ask To Give What You Gave

    It could have been a legit AS50 TWS, If so then it was very rare and i feel bad for the guy. Also they should prevent total strangers from entering someones backpack and stealing stuff.
  5. GGNL

    Never Ask To Give What You Gave

    AS50 TWS used to be in the game, It still can exist in the game but yeah.. I think the majority of them have been hacked.
  6. GGNL

    How do you get a dog now?

    I hope they add dragons aswell, I'd love to have a dragon pet. They could also replace matches.. And.. Guns...
  7. GGNL

    Never Ask To Give What You Gave

    Erm. He didn't give you that.. You stole it out of hes backpack. Or am I missing something..?
  8. GGNL

    Hacker or Glitch?

    The zombies falling from the sky and crashing into the ground is because: for the zombies the church is collapsed/destroyed (server side) but for you the church is not collapsed/destroyed (client side) therefore the zombies will walk on (for you) invisible rubble wich can look really glitchy (jumping up and down).. Things like this also happen with open/close fences and glass windows at hospitals. It can even happen between other players, not just npc.
  9. I've been playing for about 40-50 hours total and never seen a hacker, Maybe im just lucky
  10. GGNL

    Fallen from a dock.

    It's funny how a grown man isnt capable of diving down a meter of water.
  11. GGNL

    Fallen from a dock.

    I fell off a dock in Berezino, Near the lumber mill.
  12. Is there any way i can retrieve my AS50 and several other good items from the bottom of the sea.. I fell into the water and died on the bottom. I can see my dead body but i cant get to it when i swim.
  13. Today i've been getting a penalty when i enter a server, it makes me unconcious for like 5 minutes everything even though i dont have the white icon when i log out... Is there any way i can fix this? I'm also only on a single server, should i go to another one maybe?
  14. GGNL

    End of the map?

    @ Nobodyishere Looks legit, Gonna go there ASAP :D